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Red Hat Linux Leads, Netcraft Says

According to research and analysis firm Netcraft's ( hosting provider switching analysis, Red Hat is the leading Linux distribution on the Internet, holding a 49.8 percent share of the market. Over the last six months, Red Hat has lost 1 percent market share but still had a six-month growth rate of 10.1 percent. Red Hat runs on 1,465,310 hostnames, according to Netcraft.

Open Country officially releases new Linux software management tool

  • (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 1:32 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Open Country officially launched its system management solution for Linux today. The company says the product is designed to help small departments with as few as five Linux systems, and enterprises with up to 5,000 Linux installations, reduce the costs, time, and complexity of managing Linux IT operations.

Gentoo update for rsync (200407-10)

  • (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 1:05 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Gentoo; Story Type: Security

Gentoo update for moinmoin (200407-09)

  • (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 1:05 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Gentoo; Story Type: Security

Open Letter to readers from Tom Adelstein about

I hope that people in the GNU/Linux community will give Sun the benefit of the doubt and attempt to understand where they play in the competitive landscape. Room exists for like minded people and if you look deeply, you'll see that JDS serves an important purpose.

AMD and Linux: Reaching for the 64-bit Trophy

Without a viable 64-bit Windows solution available today, enthusiasts and neophytes alike are looking to Linux for new opportunities. Is Linux mature enough ... ? This article compares three 32/64 bit AMD64 sytems: Fedora FC2, SuSE 9.1, Windows XP SP1.

Can Linux Standard Base keep penguin from mutating?

Folks in the software industry doubt Linux will suffer from the same kind of forking and fragmenting that limited Unix and its ISV support, but the idea may nevertheless be pushed as an offensive against Linux by Microsoft, which is already running ads in Europe depicting mutant penguins assembled with other animal parts as if to suggest they are unsure what they are.

Why Linux repositories are a huge competitive advantage for Linux

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 4:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
My friend Robin Miller recently wrote a very decent article about how spoiled we Linux users are, which inspired me to write this article that I've been kind of meaning to write for a while anyway, an article about how the various Linux repositories are and have been such a vast competitive advantage for Linux.

Windows vs. Linux security: No unbiased reports

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 4:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Forrester Research published a report last March that came to the unlikely conclusion that Linux is no more secure than Windows. Last month, Danish security firm Secunia compared security across operating systems and concluded that Windows was more secure than many people think. Both studies are easy to counter with a little research and common sense, but that still leaves us without any meaningful third-party operating system security assessment.

Oracle to switch its programmers to Linux

Oracle will finish switching its 9,000-person in-house programming staff to Linux by the end of 2004, the database powerhouse said Wednesday.

Enterprise Customers Question Sun's Open-Solaris Efforts

  • eWEEK Linux (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 4:36 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Sun; Story Type: News Story
The company is exploring the idea of eschewing the GPL for unique licenses and customers wonder Sun's commitment to open-source licensing.

New HP441, 4 in 1 computer solution with Mandrakelinux

here is a press-release about the new HP441, a new concept of computer which comes pre-loaded with Mandrakelinux. This computer can be used by 4 users at the same time, thus reducing the total cost of ownership by a significant factor.

Onebase project updates Linux OS

  • (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 4:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The Onebase Linux Project has announced the latest versions of their Linux software. Onebase is a community-driven free and open source distribution and project with the goal to provide an easy-to-use, flexible and powerful operating environment, according to the project creator P.B.Prabhuram.

Opinion: The Annoying World Of Computing

  • OSnews (Posted by dave on Jul 12, 2004 4:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
This article describes some of my annoyances in computing. Of course, nothing is perfect, but that doesn't mean we are not allowed to complain and scream and throw our keyboards at our monitors when yet another irritation pops up.

Using Open Source As A Weird Form Of Outsourcing

  • Information Week (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2004 11:28 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Niku Corp. has placed the future of its decade-old Workbench project-scheduling software in the hands of the open-source community. The move is expected to cut the resources Niku must devote to developing and maintaining Workbench and provide Workbench customers with the ability to make enhancements to the software on an as-needed basis.

French government agency moves out NT, moves in Linux

  • Search Enterprise Linux (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2004 11:15 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Kernel
Days after published reports circulated that the city of Paris was mulling an across-the-board migration from Windows and other Microsoft technology to open source, it appears a French government agency has taken the plunge.

Linux is Pushing Microsoft Pricing Down

The latest news to emerge in the Linux v Windows battle is that Microsoft has cut its prices (rumour suggests by more than half) in an effort to dissuade the city of Paris from moving to Linux on the desktop. Paris is in upgrade mode and intends to spend nearly $200 million with IT suppliers in the next three years, a significant proportion of which could go to Microsoft.

French Ministry leaves Microsoft for Linux

Another government department has embraced open-source software, this time as a replacement for 1,500 Windows NT servers from Microsoft A French government department is replacing its legacy Microsoft NT servers with an open-source product from Mandrakesoft.

The five top objections to open-source

  • ComputerWorld (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2004 10:17 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
There are significant objections to overcome before open-source software can be broadly adopted across enterprises. These issues aren't insurmountable, but they need to be adequately addressed before open-source can go head to head with the major proprietary software vendors. Objections center around the following areas:

Smear Factor

  • PC Magazine (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2004 10:11 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: SCO
Could Microsoft be behind a smear campaign aimed at Linux? If not Microsoft, then who? Let's look at the continued attacks against Linux. The media is peppered with them. When one starts to die down, another one crops up. While every single one of these assertions is laughable, the never-ending barrage of anti-Linux propaganda has got to take its toll on potential users. Here are a few of the accusations you might find in articles planted here and there in the media.

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