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Novell and IBM combine on Linux training

Novell and IBM have joined forces to offer IT professionals a series of one-day Linux technical workshops across Australia and New Zealand. Open source training seems a hot topic at the moment with other training roadshows taking place across both countries in the coming weeks.

Linux: The State Of User-Mode Linux In the 2.6 Kernel

  • KernelTrap (Posted by dave on Jun 27, 2004 11:09 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Interview; Groups: Kernel
User-Mode Linux was merged into the 2.5 Linux development kernel back in September of 2002. Since that time, Jeff Dike has continued to provide patches to keep the project up to date, but the code within the stable 2.6 kernel has gotten stale and no longer even properly compiles. A request was sent to thelkml asking 2.6 maintainer Andrew Morton what would be required to get the latest patch merged into his -mm tree.

A media player inroad for Linux

  • International Herald Tribune (Posted by dave on Jun 27, 2004 9:49 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU
GNU Linux, the free computer operating system, has won far more converts in corporate data centers than on desktop personal computers. But as more user-friendly software makes its way onto the Linux desktop, the free operating system is starting to make progress in its David-versus-Goliath competition against Microsoft, the dominant power in PC software.

Misperceptions give Microsoft hard time

Yet, the misperception about Windows persists despite the fact that last year, there were far more "patches" from competitors such as Mandrake (which had 119), Debian (184) and even Sun Microsystems (68). "Microsoft is producing far more secure products than Linux but the question is why don't we read about 'another hole in Linux?'" asks Mr Pickup.

Red Hat releases Sistina software under GPL

Five months after completing its US$31 million (AU$44.4 million) acquisition of Sistina Software, Red Hat released the source code for all of Sistina's proprietary software last Thursday, including its Global File System, under an open source license.

Lineox releases Linux with global file system support

The latest version of Always Current Lineox Enterprise Linux includes packages built from Red Hat Global File system sources, the firm said.

Linux Gaining Corporate Mind Share

  • LinuxElectrons (Posted by dave on Jun 27, 2004 9:46 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The results of the second annual ITtoolbox IT Spending Survey demonstrate that IT budgets have increased over 2003. The survey, which was sponsored by Hewlett-Packard, was conducted by ITtoolbox, the leading provider of information for professionals in the IT workplace. The purpose of the survey was to provide insight into current and future purchasing trends of corporate IT departments worldwide.

Myricom Introduces New Myrinet Switches for Large Clusters

  • Press release (Posted by dave on Jun 27, 2004 8:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
These new products specifically address the growing market for clusters in the range from hundreds to thousands of host computers. They reduce the cost of the switch network, and simplify the installation and operation of large clusters.

Oracle, Red Hat set up IT platform in Singapore

Oracle, the leading enterprise solutons provider, and open source and Linux operator Red Hat have further strengthened their partnership with the launch of an Oracle-Red Hat 'Linux Enterprise Applications Porting' (LEAP) center in Singapore.

The jury is still out on open source

  • Taipei Times (Posted by dave on Jun 27, 2004 4:12 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Open source software could make the next generation of Internet businesses successful under the principle of `many hands make light work'.

Linux on Intel: Think Dead Man Walking

  •; By Paul Murphy (Posted by bstadil on Jun 26, 2004 6:37 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM, Intel; Story Type: News Story
Last week, I talked about the IBM cell processor expected for Sony PlayStation 3.This week I want to think out loud about what happens in the industry if Toshiba launches a PC based on this processor into the Asian market and IBM promptly follows suit with a series aimed at the American and European markets. Such a machine would run Linux, be compatible with most Linux software

The Open Source Paradigm Shift

  • Onlamp (Posted by dave on Jun 26, 2004 10:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
This article is based on a talk that I first gave at Warburg-Pincus' annual technology conference in May of 2003. Since then, I have delivered versions of the talk more than twenty times, at locations ranging from the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, the UK Unix User's Group, Microsoft Research in the UK, IBM Hursley, British Telecom, Red Hat's internal "all-hands" meeting, and BEA's eWorld conference. I finally wrote it down as an article for an upcoming book on open source," Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software," edited by J. Feller, B. Fitzgerald, S. Hissam, and K. R. Lakhani and to be published by MIT Press in 2005.

GFS: Global File System

Ken Preslan sent out a mail to the Linux kernel mailing list announcing that Red Hat has released the GFS under the GPL, open-sourcing the cluster file system. They're now targetting towards getting GFS included in the mainstream kernel.

Debian update for apache (DSA-525-1)

  • (Posted by dave on Jun 26, 2004 8:37 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Debian; Story Type: Security

InfiniBand open-sourced

IBM, Dell, Intel and Oracle, among others, last week formed the OpenIB Alliance to develop an open-source version of the InfiniBand software stack.

Free software tool automates Mandrake Linux has published an article introducing "umibuilder," an interesting free software tool that can be used to update Linux packages. The tool is perhaps most useful for automating security updates of systems using Mandrake Linux. Because it downloads the latest versions of RPMs from the Internet, Umibuilder can also be used to automate security updates of Mandrake systems, according to the article.

Paying lip service to open source

Open source has become hip, trendy, dope, and cool. "Based on Open Source Technology" is used by more than one proprietary software company as a marketing boast. Even Microsoft, everybody's favorite symbol of software proprietarism, now boasts about releasing software under an open source license. Obviously, the phrase "Open Source" is now considered a plus when trying to sell software. Will this lead to more open source contributions by companies trying to associate themselves with this "movement" or will it lead to the death of open source as we know it?

Novell Launches High Performance Computing Linux Competency Network for Partners

  • LinuxElectrons (Posted by dave on Jun 26, 2004 6:44 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Novell; Story Type: News Story
At the International Supercomputer Conference (ISC) yesterday, Novell announced the launch of its High Performance Computing (HPC) Linux Competency Network, a program designed to attract technology partners with supercomputing expertise as well as fellow travellers keen to tap into the growing market for supercomputing solutions.

Red Hat Whips Up Storage File System

Red Hat lifted the wraps on its storage file system based on Linux and made its source code available under the General Public License (GPL), Red Hat spokeswoman Leigh Day said. Called Red Hat Global File System (GFS), the cluster file system and volume manager combo are essentially the same product that the company picked up in the December when it purchased Sistina Software.

Sun Attacks Red Hat. SUSE Not Worth Considering.

  • The Register; By Ashlee Vance (Posted by cjcox on Jun 26, 2004 4:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Sun
Sun attacks Red Hat as being expensive and not fitting of the enterprise, while trying to promote the benefits of Open Source in the enterprise. Says they would attack SUSE if SUSE had any marketshare. Interesting, since Sun's Java Desktop is based on SUSE Linux.

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