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View PDFs with a browser using pdftohtml

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 6:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I picked up the phone, and the voice at the other end said, "Rob, can you help me with a PDF file? I can't read it." It was my Beverly Hills attorney brother, who had received a 1MB PDF file via his Web-based email client and didn't know how to download it and read it, especially since he had no Acrobot reader installed. After some mutual grumbling about Acrobat being an unnecessary step in the document-reading process, I discovered a fairly painless solution to the whole mess, thanks to a little-known program called pdftohtml.

Bynari and Broadleaf Partner to Deliver Turnkey Groupware Appliance

  • Press release (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 6:01 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
Bynari and Broadleaf Partner to Deliver Turnkey Groupware Appliance Automatically Serves, Stores and Protects Mail and Shared Calendars for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses. Bynari's Outlook-compatible Microsoft Exchange(TM) alternative now available on Broadleaf's no maintenance self-protecting ARCHEON server platform to deliver affordable groupware with instant onsite recovery and one phone call disaster recovery.

Red Hat CFO resigns in surprise move

  • CNET; By Stephen Shankland (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 6:00 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Red Hat; Story Type: News Story
Red Hat Chief Financial Officer Kevin Thompson will resign, the Linux seller announced on Monday, raising eyebrows three days before its scheduled announcement of quarterly financial results.

Fairfax County Schools Turn To Linux For Business Intelligence

  • Information Week (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 5:58 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Oracle
The school district wants to move its Oracle database and Business Objects Crystal Enterprise business-intelligence software from Windows to Linux., and the debut of Business Objects' Crystal Enterprise 10 for Linux moved it a step closer to that goal.

Microsoft Faces Biggest-Ever PC Order Loss to Linux in Munich

Munich may become the biggest Microsoft Corp. customer to switch to Linux personal-computer software this week, as the city decides whether to remove the Windows operating system from 14,000 municipal computers.

Mozilla Firefox 0.9 Released

The Mozilla Foundation today released Mozilla Firefox 0.9, and now begins its final push towards a 1.0 release of Firefox. New features in this release include a new default theme, a new browser migration tool, reworked theme and extension managers, a much smaller download size, a new help system, and many small bug fixes and speed tweaks. More on what's new can be found in the Burning Edge's Bigger Picture or in the Mozilla Foundation's press release about Firefox 0.9.

Wyse Adds Capabilities To Linux Desktops

  • Information Week (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 5:51 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Looking to seize a greater share of the growing Linux-based thin-client market, Wyse Technology Inc. on Monday introduced enhanced management, security, and Web-browser capabilities on two of its Winterm desktops. Wyse also introduced version 3.2 of its thin-client Linux operating system.

Email viruses are more annoying than spam

  • NewsForge; By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 5:45 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I've had my primary email address for many years, and I also get email through a number of work-related aliases, including editors at, roblimo at, and rmiller at So I get spam. Tons of spam. And I filter it all. I filter viruses, too, not because they can affect my Linux computer, but because they suck up bandwidth. And my virus email traffic now exceeds my spam traffic by a factor of at least two to one.

New Linux Security Hole Found, Fixed

  • eWEEK Linux; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 5:44 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
A Linux bug was recently uncovered by a young Norwegian programmer that, when exploited by a simple C program, could crash most Linux 2.4 or 2.6 distributions running on an x86 architecture. "Using this exploit to crash Linux systems requires the (ab)user to have shell access or other means of uploading and running the program—like cgi-bin and FTP access," reports the discoverer, Øyvind Sæther.

Gentoo Weekly Newsletter - Volume 3, Issue 24

  • Mailing list; By Yuji Kosugi (Posted by dave on Jun 15, 2004 5:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Newsletter; Groups: Gentoo
In this week's Gentoo Weekly Newsletter we tell you about the approval of the Gentoo Not-For-Profit by the State of New Mexico, and point you to an alias to which bugs about new webapp packages are being assigned, with the intent of letting interested folks get involved. Don't miss the usual security info, community coverage, or the tip about using noclobber either. Enjoy!

Nexedi and Mandrakesoft announce a revolution in Linux Desktop: rentalinux Desktop Linux Server

please find here after a press-release about "rentalinux", a new Nexedi+Mandrakesoft development. It provides Mandrakelinux dekstop applications to Windows PCs, Macintosh and X11/VNC through the corporate's network, and combines server hardware rental, software setup, custom configuration, support and maintenance service in a single package.

No Linux adoption claims Microsoft

The trouble according to Microsoft is that customers are merely using their "conversations" with Linux vendors as a crowbar to ratchet down Microsoft's pricing. There's no actual Linux adoption, they claim.

Use of Linux Grows in Public Sector

Public-sector deployments of Linux are continuing to grow at the expense of Unix and Windows. The latest Linux win is the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AOUSC), in Washington, which provides administrative support, program management and policy development services to U.S. federal courts.

Red Hat update for SquirrelMail (RHSA-2004:240-01)

Red Hat update for tripwire (RHSA-2004:244-01)

Red Hat update for apache (RHSA-2004:245-01)

Fedora update for kernel (FEDORA-2004-171)

How to talk to Microsoft about Linux

Visiting one of Microsoft's open-source seminars during the next few weeks? Here's a print-out-and-keep guide to questions you might care to ask...

Leading thin client vendor responds to booming Linux demand

  • (Posted by dave on Jun 14, 2004 2:33 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Wyse has responded to a booming market for Linux-based thin clients by revising its Linux-based thin-client operating system. Version 3.2 of the "Wyse-enhanced Linux" operating system is available on 5000-series Winterm clients, targeting organizations looking for a gradual transition into a full Linux-based environment.

Future of servers is Windows and Linux on Intel

  • (Posted by dave on Jun 14, 2004 1:28 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Intel
Large and medium sized enterprises should prepare for a future of server consolidation, running both Linux and Windows while planning for the domination of Intel-based hardware, delegates at a Microsoft seminar were told last week.

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