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Linux stays hot as an overall server and database server platform

  • Network World on Linux (Posted by dave on Jun 11, 2004 10:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The popularity continues to grow for Linux as an enterprise server operating system, as well as a platform for running large database servers.

White hats, black hats, who's got the grey hat?

  • The Inquirer (Posted by dave on Jun 11, 2004 9:56 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Ah, they said, but you see we couldn't then indemnify the code. Oh? I am, I said, unaware of any situation in which Microsoft makes good damages to a company if its software fails at the wrong time. That's not what they mean by "indemnify". They mean: they couldn't guarantee that all the code in Windows was valid (insecure, but valid). Besides, intellectual property is all we have in the way of corporate assets, other than maybe our people.

Does Prentice Hall Really Own Linux?

Bruce Perens writes "A recent report by Ken Brown of the "Alexis de Toqueville Institute" casts aspersions upon Linus Torvalds as creator of the Linux operating system kernel. The report attributes ownership of Linux to Prentice Hall PTR as publishers of Andrew Tannenbaum's book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. In the book, Tannenbaum provided the source for an educational toy OS called Minix.

HP to support MySQL locally

Users of the MySQL open source database will soon have the option of calling Hewlett-Packard for support as the systems vendor extends its US-lead decision to Australia.

Open source: Supply and demand

  • (Posted by dave on Jun 11, 2004 8:57 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Part four: In the final part of this series of articles in response to Eric Raymond, an examination of whether a hybrid model is the way forward

"McLinux" Now Served In 1200 German Restaurants, Boasts Novell

Novell chose this week to showcase one of the success stories it has notched up since acquiring SUSE LINUX from SuSE GmbH last year: the IT systems of McDonald's restaurants throughout Germany are now Linux-based.

Real world case study: Linux thin client savings exceed 37% in just 8 mos

  •; By jill (Posted by VISITOR on Jun 11, 2004 6:53 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
When an Albany-based cardiology practice announced they moved to Linux last year, headlines touted the move as an affirmation for the use of open source software. Having a large medical practice with locations in Massachusetts and New York entrust medical records to Linux was a resounding nod to the cost savings and security that has become increasingly associated with the Linux platform. But the real story -- the one that is even more important to end users and IT managers -- is the ROI CCA has realized in their move from proprietary Windows to open source Linux. Dr. Martin Echt and Jordan Rosen reveal the details of CCA's Linux implementation in the full presentation, from their talk at April's Real World Linux trade show held in Canada. Among their key findings, summarized in the article below, Echt and Rosen found that CCA's Linux thin client savings exceeded 37% in just 8 mos. They provide a detailed cost analysis of their migration to Linux . . .

[South Africa] could eclipse US open source use

The rate of open source adoption and implementation in SA could exceed that of the US in a relatively short time. That's the prediction of Sam Greenblatt, visiting Computer Associates (CA) Linux technology group VP, who spoke to CA customers in Sandton this week. He said it was only a matter of time before open source (OS) gained momentum as more people came to understand it.

Linux fans becoming online detectives against foe

SCO has become one of the most hated companies in the country, and it has sparked a vitriolic war over the future of software. Linux advocates regard SCO as part of a broader campaign to snuff out the software, known by its smiling penguin logo.

Creating custom keyboard layouts for X11 using XKB

  •; By Michał Kosmulski (Posted by dave on Jun 11, 2004 6:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In most modern desktop environments there is a small applet that allows users to quickly switch between keyboard layouts when they need to type text in more than one language. However, there are situations where this solution is not quite satisfactory. The X Window System used on most Unix-like systems today uses X Keyboard Extension (XKB) for translating keystrokes into character codes. Thanks to XKB's flexibility, one can easily create custom keyboard layouts.

A Q&A with LTSP's Jim McQuillan

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jun 11, 2004 6:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The story of the Linux Terminal Server Project begins with a business problem to be solved in the late 1990s, but it doesn't end there. Rarely has a free software project had such a positive impact on so many lives as has the LTSP. Whether it's being used in business, schools, or to provide Internet access for homeless in Brazil, the LTSP provides a means of escaping the crushing costs of proprietary computing and extending the life of obsolete hardware to provide computing power to those who might otherwise not have it. I recently exchanged email with LTSP project leader Jim McQuillan.

Opinion: TCO for Everyone who isn't a Multinational Corporation

Ever since Microsoft started publicly outing Linux with their "Get the Facts" campaign, I have seen numerous articles and studies about the TCO (total cost of ownership) of both products in a head to head manner. However, I have yet to see one article discuss the TCO for home users and small businesses. I have thought long and crunched many numbers to devise a conclusion to this years old debate and I think the results are obvious... Windows is way more expensive than Linux.

Spam Filtering with Sendmail Milters and Greylisting

  • Onlamp (Posted by dave on Jun 10, 2004 5:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
This article focuses on the development of a spam filter, through the example of milter-greylist, a greylisting plugin for Sendmail. We assume that the reader knows the C programming language reasonably well. A basic understanding of TCP/IP is also useful.

Turbolinux to Launch Platform Across China's National Railway System

  • Press release (Posted by dave on Jun 10, 2004 5:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
Turbolinux Operating Systems Will Be Deployed in 14 Railway Bureaus, 230 Railway Stations and Over 440 Passenger Package Delivery Service Facilities Throughout China

The Linux Phenomenon

On December 28, 1969, when Linus Torvalds was born little did any one know that today, his name would be worth a multi-billion dollar software solution which later become a household name as 'Linux' Operating System (OS).

Mandrake update for ksymoops (MDKSA-2004:060)

Gentoo update for cvs (200406-06)

  • (Posted by dave on Jun 10, 2004 3:05 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Gentoo; Story Type: Security

Debian update for cvs (DSA-517-1)

  • (Posted by dave on Jun 10, 2004 11:05 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Debian; Story Type: Security

Trustix update for squid (TSLSA-2004-0033)

Mandrake update for cvs (MDKSA-2004:058)

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