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Debian alert: insufficient protection for zope Image and File objects

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 20, 2000 3:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
A busy week for the Zope team: on Monday another security alert was released revealing a potential problem found by Peter Kelly. This problem involved incorrect protection of data updating for Image and File objects: any user with DTML editing privileges could update the File or Image object data directly.

Red Hat alert: Updated gnupg packages now available

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 19, 2000 11:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Updated gnupg packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 6.x and 7.

Red Hat alert: Updated stunnel packages available.

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 19, 2000 7:22 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Updated stunnel packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7.

Red Hat alert: New slocate packages available to fix local group slocate compromise

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 19, 2000 7:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
New slocate packages are availble for Red Hat Linux 6.x and Red Hat Linux 7. These fix a problem with the database parsing code in slocate. (slocate was not shipped with Red Hat Linux prior to version 6.0, so earlier versions are not affected.)

Debian alert: zope privilege escalation

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 18, 2000 3:38 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
Last week a Zope (security advisory was released which indicated Erik Enge found a problem in the way Zope calculates roles. In some situations Zope checked the wrong folder hierarchy which could cause it to grant local roles when it should not. In other words: users with privileges in one folder could gain privileges in another folder.

Red Hat alert: new Zope-Hotfix package available

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 18, 2000 1:50 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
A new Zope-Hotfix package is availble which fixes issues with computation of local roles.

Debian alert: slocate local exploit

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 16, 2000 4:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
Michel Kaempf reported a security problem in slocate (a secure version of locate, a tool to quickly locate files on a filesystem) on bugtraq which was originally discovered by zorgon. He discovered there was a bug in the database reading code which made it overwrite a internal structure with some input. He then showed this could be exploited to trick slocate into executing arbitrary code by pointing it to a carefully crafted database.

Debian alert: nano symlink attack

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 16, 2000 4:05 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
The problem that was previously reported for joe also occurs with other editors. When nano (a free pico clone) unexpectedly dies it tries a warning message to a new file with a predictable name (the name of the file being edited with ".save" appended). Unfortunately that file was not created safely which made nano vulnerable to a symlink attack.

Red Hat alert: New BitchX packages are available

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 13, 2000 1:45 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
New BitchX packages are available which fix the problem with processing malformed DNS answers.

Red Hat alert: New Zope packages are available.

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 12, 2000 1:10 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Vulnerability in legacy names allows calling those contructors without the correct permissions.

Red Hat alert: New ed packages available

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 11, 2000 12:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
The ed editor used files in /tmp in an insecure fashion. It was possible for local users to exploit this vulnerability to modify files that they normally could not and gain elevated privilege.

Red Hat alert: race condition exists in diskcheck

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 8, 2000 10:55 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
A race vulnerability exists in the diskcheck package.

Red Hat alert: race condition exists in diskcheck

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 4, 2000 10:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
A race vulnerability exists in the diskcheck package.

Debian alert: Revised security fix for joe

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Dec 1, 2000 7:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
The security fix for joe released on November 22, 2000 had a problem: it created the DEADJOE file securily but didn't write anything to it. This has been fixed in version .

SuSE alert: netscape

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Nov 30, 2000 9:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: SUSE
Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@DIONE.IDS.PL> has found a buffer overflow in the html parser code of the Netscape Navigator in all versions before and including 4.75. html code of the form

Debian alert: fsh symlink attack

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Nov 29, 2000 2:46 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
Colin Phipps found an interesting symlink attack problem in fsh (a tool to quickly run remote commands over rsh/ssh/lsh). When fshd starts it creates a directory in /tmp to hold its sockets. It tries to do that securely by checking of it can chown that directory if it already exists to check if it is owner by the user invoking it. However an attacker can circumvent this check by inserting a symlink to a file that is owner by the user who runs fhsd and replacing that with a directory just before fshd creates the socket.

Red Hat alert: Ethereal vulnerable to buffer overflows

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Nov 29, 2000 12:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Updated Ethereal packages are available.

Debian alert: ed symlink attack

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Nov 28, 2000 4:14 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Debian
Alan Cox discovered that GNU ed (a classed line editor tool) created temporary files unsafely. This has been fixed in version 0.2-18.1.

Red Hat alert: Updated bind packages fixing DoS attack available

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Nov 27, 2000 6:15 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
A remote DoS (denial of service) attack is possible with bind versions prior to 8.

Red Hat alert: Updated nss_ldap packages are now available.

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Nov 27, 2000 10:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Updated nss_ldap packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 6.1, 6.2, and 7. 2000-11-27: Added packages for Red Hat Linux 7 for Alpha.

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