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Ubuntu 21.04 Is Now Powered by Linux 5.10 LTS, Wayland Enabled by Default

As of today, Canonical’s upcoming Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) release is powered by the Linux 5.10 LTS kernel series, which looks to be the kernel used in the final release due out in late April 2021.

Not Comfortable Using youtube-dl in Terminal? Use These GUI Apps

youtube-dl is an exceptional tool for downloading videos from websites like YouTube. If you don’t like using it in terminal, here are some GUI apps built on top of youtube-dl.

How To Enable Conda-forge Channel For Conda Package Manager In Linux

This guide explains how to enable conda-forge channel for conda package manager from commandline and Anaconda Navigator GUI in Linux.

DXVK 1.8 Released with Improvements for Nioh 2, Hitman 3, and F1 2020

DXVK, the Vulkan-based implementation of D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 on Linux/Wine, has been updated today to version 1.8, a release that brings improvements for some recent and old video games, and many other changes.

How to fix unzip error "End-of-central-directory signature not found"

  • Xmodulo; By Dan Nanni (Posted by bob on Feb 21, 2021 9:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
If you are unable to extract files from a zip file and instead getting the error "End-of-central-directory signature not found", changes are that the zip file was incompletely downloaded or got corrupted on your disk somehow. This tutorial discusses how to fix, or at least get round, the unzip error when a zip file is corrupted or end of the file is truncated.

Django 3 Tutorial & CRUD Example with MySQL and Bootstrap on F33 KVM Guest

Regardless I've spent some time to overcome several issues (typos) in Original Howto........I strongly believe that mentioned article is one of the best for beginners to test the taste of Django 3.1.16

MX Linux Fluxbox Respin Officially Released for Raspberry Pi

The MX Linux team announced today the release and general availability of the MX Linux Fluxbox Community Respin for Raspberry Pi single-board computers.-

Open source RTS 0 A.D. Alpha 24 is out now with plenty of new features

  •; By Liam Dawe (Posted by liamdawe on Feb 21, 2021 2:45 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Games
After a few years of waiting, Wildfire Games have released a big upgrade for the free and open source real-time strategy game 0 A.D. with Alpha 24 now available.

Handling Unix Kill Signals in Rust

If you're new to Rust, and looking to write a Linux daemon that can handle kill signals, check out this article.

Run your favorite Windows applications on Linux

  • (Posted by bob on Feb 20, 2021 10:22 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
In 2021, there are more reasons why people love Linux than ever before. In this series, I'll share 21 different reasons to use Linux. Here's how switching from Windows to Linux can be made seamless with WINE. Do you have an application that only runs on Windows? Is that one application the one and only thing holding you back from switching to Linux? If so, you'll be happy to know about WINE, an open source project that has all but reinvented key Windows libraries so that applications compiled for Windows can run on Linux. read more

Patent Assertion Entities: Two Big Banks Join OIN to Combat Them

With patent trolling on the rise, investment bank Barclays and TD Bank Group have put patent assertion entities on notice by taking membership in Open Invention Network.

To infinity and beyond: Linux and open-source goes to Mars

  • ZDNet; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Feb 20, 2021 5:59 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
If all goes well, the first flight on Mars will be made by Perseverance Mars rover's companion drone helicopter, the Linux-powered Ingenuity.

How to measure the average CPU utilization of a Linux process

  • Xmodulo; By Dan Nanni (Posted by xmodulo on Feb 20, 2021 3:47 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Sometimes you may want to know the CPU usage of a particular Linux process. As the CPU usage of a process can fluctuate over its lifetime, you will want to measure the average CPU usage or CPU utilization of the process. For this purpose, a Linux tool set called sysstat may come in handy, which contains a collection of performance monitoring tools for Linux, reporting statistics on disk I/O, CPU, memory, networking, and other system activities.

Best Free Android Apps: Skywave Schedules – listen to shortwave radio

Skywave Schedules is an essential app. The ability to listen to shortwave from hundreds of remote radio receivers is a great way of dipping into the world of shortwave.

NetworkManager 1.30 Adds Support for WPA3 Enterprise 192-Bit Mode, New Ethtool Offload Features

  • 9to5Linux; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on Feb 20, 2021 11:24 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
NetworkManager 1.30 has been released today as the latest version of one of the most popular network connection management tools for Linux-based operating systems.

How to dual boot Kali Linux and Windows 10

  •; By Korbin Brown (Posted by LinuxCareer on Feb 20, 2021 9:13 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
If you want to run Kali Linux on your system but you already have Windows 10 installed, you have a couple of options. One thing you could do is install Kali Linux in a virtual machine, as we've shown in our tutorials for installing Kali in VMware and installing Kali in VirtualBox.

7 Ways to Customize Cinnamon Desktop in Linux Beginner’s Guide

The traditional Cinnamon desktop can be tweaked to look different and customized for your needs. Here’s how to do that.

Create NodeJS Virtual Environments Using Conda In Linux

Conda was initially created for Python programs, but we can use it for any languages. This guide explains how to create Nodejs virtual environments using conda in Linux.

Wayland on Wine: An exciting first update

  • Collabora Blog; By Alexandros Frantzis (Posted by mfilion on Feb 20, 2021 2:38 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: Linux
Two months ago, Collabora announced a first proposal for a Wayland driver for Wine. Here's an update on this effort, with support for new features including copy/paste, drag-and-drop and for changing the display mode!

My open source internship during a pandemic

  • (Posted by bob on Feb 20, 2021 12:27 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Red Hat; Story Type: News Story
In May 2020, in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, I started a summer internship with Red Hat. COVID-19 had cut short my third year studying computer engineering at Georgia Tech, and I learned I would have to work remotely all summer. I wasn't sure what to expect from a virtual internship. read more

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