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Why simplicity is critical to delivering sturdy applications
In the previous articles in this series, I explained why tackling coding problems all at once, as if they were hordes of zombies, is a mistake. I'm using a helpful acronym explaining why it's better to approach problems incrementally.
Astrophotography with Fedora Astronomy Lab: Setting Up
Learn how to use Fedora Astronomy Lab for astrophotography.
How To List Installed Packages Sorted By Installation Date In Linux
This guide describes how to list installed packages sorted by installation date from command line in Linux operating systems.
How to Install Ansible on Linux Mint 20
Ansible is a widely used configuration management system that is able to handle multiple servers through a single control server. Today, I will show you how to install Ansible on a Linux Mint 20 machine.
Easily Transform Text With Boop-GTK (Scriptable Scratchpad For Developers)
This is a simple editor for pasting text and executing some operations on it, like Base64 encode, format JSON, Hex to RGB, HTML encode, minify CSS and more.
It's the season for sysadmin reading
Our top 10 articles from the past month covered Ansible, working with containers, and all sorts of Linux goodness. Which was your favorite?
Ryzen V1000 AI system supports double-wide graphics cards
Vecow’s “MIG-1000” AI edge PC runs Linux or Windows on a Ryzen Embedded V1000 with up to 64GB DDR4, 4x DP, 2x GbE, 4x USB, and a PCIe x16 slot for double-wide graphics. Vecow announced what appears to be its first computer based on AMD’s Ryzen Embedded processors. The Ryzen Embedded V1000 based MIG-1000 edge […]
SVM Sklearn In Python
This post discusses in detail about classic machine learning algorithm SVM using Sklearn in Python.
How to install Percona Database Server on Ubuntu 20.04
Percona Server is a fork of the MySQL server. It is fully compatible and a replacement for Oracle MySQL. Percona Server is used by thousands of enterprises to provide superior performance, scalability, and instrumentation for their workloads.
Hands-On with SparkyLinux 5.14 on the Raspberry Pi 4
SparkyLinux 5.14 distribution has arrived and it’s now available for download, so I though it would be a very good idea to make a review of it on the Raspberry Pi 4 computer, to tell you what works and what needs to be improved.
Oracle sweetens Java SE subscriptions with a spoonful of free ‘GraalVM’ runtime said to significantly speed Java
Pre-compilation tech means faster startup and lower memory overhead, to make Java cool for microservices. Oracle has sweetened its Java SE subscriptions by tossing in a free entitlement to use GraalVM, a new universal virtual machine that Big Red says runs just about anything faster, anywhere.…
A hands-on tutorial of SQLite3
Applications very often save data. Whether your users create simple text documents, complex graphic layouts, game progress, or an intricate list of customers and order numbers, software usually implies that data is being generated. There are many ways to store data for repeated use. You can dump text to configuration formats such as INI, YAML, XML, or JSON, you can write out raw binary data, or you can store data in a structured database.
How to Install WordPress with LEMP on Ubuntu 20.04
WordPress is a free, open-source, and most popular content management system that allows you to create a blog on the Internet. It powers more than a third of websites including 33% of the top 10 million websites. WordPress comes with powerful features, beautiful designs and gives you the freedom to build anything you want.
A guide to understanding Linux software libraries in C
Software libraries are a longstanding, easy, and sensible way to reuse code. This article explains how to build libraries from scratch and make them available to clients. Although the two sample libraries target Linux, the steps for creating, publishing, and using these libraries apply to other Unix-like systems.
How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20
This tutorial will show you a wide range of commands and tools to display hardware details of your computer on Linux Mint 20. The same commands will work on Ubuntu Linux and Debian too.
The 7 Best Linux Apps To Download
Linux continues to be an underappreciated OS. Despite its large presence in the tech industry and among tech enthusiasts, many ignore Linux in favor of more popular OS's, such as Windows and MacOS. Due to the public's apprehensiveness to adopt Linux, it continues to be a useful, yet niche OS in the tech industry. If you're new to Linux and are wondering what you need to get started, take a look at this list and try the apps out. Worst case scenario, you end up uninstalling a few of them.
LibreOffice 7.1 Community released with support for M1 ARM Mac and 'user interface variants'
Community? 'The software isn’t changing at all. This is a label on the name, nothing else'. The Document Foundation (TDF) has released LibreOffice 7.1 Community, while continuing to complain about free-loading enterprises who do not pay for support. The "community" label is an effort to steer them away, though it is not a cut-down version.…
KDE’s Apps Update for February 2021 Introduces Kongress, a New Conference Timetable App
The KDE Project announced today the general availability of the KDE Applications 20.12.2 open-source software suite as KDE’s Apps update for February 2021.
How to install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Manjaro Linux
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is a free open-source office suite pack that comprises offline editors for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to install the latest version (v.6.1) of ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on your Manjaro machine.
How To Increase Memory And CPU On Vagrant Machine In Linux
This brief guide explains how to increase Memory and CPU on Vagrant machine in Linux from commandline to improve the VM's performance.
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