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TrueNAS isn’t abandoning BSD—but it is adopting Linux
The company's in-development TrueNAS Scale project is based on Debian 11.
Improve Linux system performance with noatime
Whenever I upgrade Linux on my home computer, I have a list of tasks I usually do. They've become habits over the years: I back up my files, wipe the system, reinstall from scratch, restore my files, then reinstall my favorite extra applications. I also make a few system tweaks. I've been making some of these tweaks for so long that I recently wondered if I still needed to do them.
How to generate an EPUB file on Fedora
It is becoming more popular to read content on smartphones. Every phone comes with its own ebook reader. Believe or not, it is very easy to create your own ebook files on Fedora. This article shows two different methods to create an EPUB. The epub format is one of the most popular formats and is […]
Red Hat: Holding Its Own and Fueling Open Source Innovation
When IBM acquired Red Hat for $34 billion in 2019, it was considered the industry’s largest software acquisition. The synergy between the two companies led them to become one of the leading hybrid multi-cloud providers globally. In most acquisitions, the acquired entity sometimes loses momentum and sheds some of its original luster.
Fix - MySQL ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
This brief explains how to fix "ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements." in MySQL.
Linux Mint 20 Promises Improved Support for NVIDIA Optimus
The upcoming Linux Mint 20 operating system will feature significant improvements around the NVIDIA Optimus support by enhancing the capabilities of the NVIDIA Prime applet and other components.
Linux Lite 5.0 Released With UEFI Support & Other Major Improvements
Linux Lite is one of the best Linux distributions suitable for Windows users. Not just limited to that, it’s also one of the most preferred lightweight Linux distributions available. The lightweight Linux distribution Linux Lite 5.0 is released with UEFI support & other major improvements.
80-characters-per-line limits should be terminal says Linus Torvalds
As he gives us Linux 5.7 with support for Apple power tech and better exFAT. Linux overlord Linus Torvalds has railed against 80-character-lines as a de facto programming standard and has moved to make reminders to keep thinigs short a thing of the past.…
How to connect Android smartphone to KDE connect on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa KDE desktop
The objective of this article is to help the reader to connect the Android Smartphone to the KDE desktop on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. In this tutorial you will learn: how to install KDE Connect on Ubuntu, how to install KDE Connect on Android and how to pair an Android device with KDE connect.
Lenovo Brings Linux to its ThinkPad and ThinkStation Workstation Portfolio
Lenovo announced that it is certifying its entire ThinkPad and ThinkStation series laptops with the Linux Operating system.
The Linux Foundation introduces Cloud Engineer Bootcamp for cloud job seekers
Want to work in the cloud, but need help getting started? The Linux Foundation can come to your aid with its new Cloud Engineer Bootcamp.
Using AppImage for Linux package management
A big part of administrating Linux machines—especially remote machines—is managing and installing software. When something goes wrong with a local application or when something on the filesystem breaks and needs fixing, you're often going to want to push updates without having to travel many miles to sit down in front of a physical screen.
Now You Can Buy Linux Certified Lenovo ThinkPad and ThinkStation (For the Best Possible Out of the Box Linux Experience) Devuan 3.0 Beowulf release Devuan Beowulf 3.0 is the Latest Stable Release Base
Lenovo’s new announcement brings superb news for Linux users. All Lenovo systems are going to be certified by Ubuntu and red Hat for Linux compatibility.
Weakening GNU/Linux by Disempowering Its Leaders and Founders, Replacing Them With Microsoft Employees and GNU/Linux-Hostile Moles
The coup to remove (or remove power from) Stallman and Torvalds, the GNU and Linux founders respectively, is followed by outsourcing of their work to Microsoft’s newly-acquired monopoly (GitHub) and appointment of Microsoft workers or Microsoft-friendly people, shoehorning them into top roles under the disingenuous guise of "professionalism"
Nextcloud Hub 19 Brings Passwordless Authentication, Collabora Online as Default Office App
Nextcloud GmbH announced today the general availability of Nextcloud Hub 19, a major release of their popular and open-source self-hosted on-premises collaboration platform.
The Linux Foundation introduces Cloud Engineer Bootcamp for cloud job seekers
Want to work in the cloud, but need help getting started? The Linux Foundation can come to your aid with its new Cloud Engineer Bootcamp.
Facial recognition reader includes thermometry and card readers
Firefly’s $399 and up “Face X2” is a facial recognition device that runs Ubuntu or Android on an RK3399. The X2 has an 8-inch screen, binocular vision, IR thermometry, and card readers. Its Face-RK3399 mainboard sells for $129 on its own. T-Chip Technology’s Firefly unit has launched a smartphone-like facial recognition device called the Face […]
4 tips to help you get the most out of the Linux df command
df stands for "disk free" (I have also seen it referred to as "disk filesystem"). It is a *nix command that allows the user to display the available disk space on a given filesystem. Take another look at df and learn its secrets.
NodeJS on Ubuntu: Installation and First Steps
NodeJS is a server-side implementation of javascript. It is event-driven and asynchronous so it is often used as a partial replacement for PHP. It's a vital technology in many websites today. This is why new developers are adopting it more and more and are noticing its benefits.
Blender 2.83 is here with first-ever LTS release
Blender releases its latest major version 2.83 as a first-ever long term support release. That means you get the stability and consistency in your graphics project for a long two years.
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