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Use Encrypted Email With any Desktop Email Client in Linux With ProtonMail Bridge
The new ProtonMail Bridge application let you use encrypted ProtonMail emails with any desktop email client like Thunderbird.
Huawei changes its patent story
By opening up its massive patent portfolio to Linux and open-source companies via the Open Invention Network, Huawei shows just how important open patents are to software development. It's also an intellectual property peace offering to the US government and businesses.
How to install Anaconda on Linux
Anaconda is an open-source distribution of Python and R Programing languages.It is mainly used in Data Science and Machine Learning etc.Anaconda distribution contains 1,500 packages selected from the conda and PyPI packages and virtual environment manager.
MariaDB SkySQL enables cloud-native database as a service
MariaDB brings back an old name for its cloud-native database as a service platform. MariaDB CEO Michael Howard details how he's looking to compete against the big cloud providers.
Firejail BitTorrent Sandboxing Guide
When it comes to your security and privacy, it is always better to build your own. Like a chef cooking a meal. Good or bad, at least you know what you put in. Here’s our bittorrent recipe, deep-fried edition.
How to Remove Linux User from a Group
In this tutorial, we will learn how to remove a user from a group in Linux. We will use two methods and also I will show how to manually remove the user from the group by deleting from '/etc/group' file.
How To Set Up Canonical Livepatch On Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa”
Canonical Livepatch was introduced in Ubuntu 16.04. The livepatch option allows you to install kernel updates without system reboot. It is a great option and servers must have it enabled to prevent system reboot.
SparkyLinux 5.11 Released with Latest Debian Buster Updates
The SparkyLinux development team have released today the SparkyLinux 5.11 update to the SparkyLinux 5 “Nibiru” series of this Debian-based and lightweight operating system.
How to create a bootable USB drive for Linux
Are you ready to take the plunge into desktop Linux? Join the rapidly growing community of people who are living without the limits, lack of security, and lack of privacy afforded by proprietary operating systems. The question I had in the beginning was: How do I find a computer that runs Linux?
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Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa” Beta Released
Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa” heads toward its final release later this month with the Beta release. Ubuntu 20.04 Beta version is available to download with a number of changes & new features in the base system.
How To Run All Scripts In A Directory In Linux
Do you have a lot of shell scripts in a directory? This brief guide explains a couple methods to run all scripts in a directory in Linux.
Set up a Tor proxy with Raspberry Pi to control internet traffic
First things first: What are proxy servers, and why use them?
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Embedded Linux joins the Covid-19 battle
Embedded Linux is combating the coronavirus in thermal imaging devices such as the Kogniz’ Health Cam and a Raspberry Pi based FluSense device that analyzes coughs. We also look at open source ventilator projects and products from Aaeon, Advantech, and Seeed. AI surveillance devices that use facial recognition and other technologies to identify and track […]
Gumstix's Nano carrier quartet includes Snapshot board for connecting 16x HD cams
Gumstix has launched four customizable carriers for Nvidia’s Jetson Nano including a Nano Snapshot model with 4x GbE-switched Nano modules for driving up to 16x HD streams via RPi cameras. A Yocto SDK includes TensorFlow support. Gumstix has launched a quartet of carrier boards that build on Nvidia’s Jetson Nano module, joining other Nano carriers […]
Huawei joins major US-based open-source patent protection consortium OIN
In a move many will find surprising, Huawei is joining the Linux and Open Invention Network, the leading US-based open-source patent non-aggression group.
ExTiX “The Ultimate Linux System” Gets a Mini Version Based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Linux 5.6
Arne Exton released today a new version of his ExTiX “The Ultimate Linux System” distribution with a “Mini” flavor featuring the lightweight LXQt desktop environment.
Building a sensing prosthetic with the Raspberry Pi
What's the first question you ask your surgeon when you're discussing reconstruction options after breast cancer? "How many USB ports can you give me?" is probably not the one that comes to mind for many people! Although the remark was said jokingly, it sparked a thread that would ultimately become SenseBreast—an early prototype of a sensing mastectomy prosthetic, based on open hardware.
Take back your dotfiles with Chezmoi
In Linux, dotfiles are hidden text files that are used to store various configuration settings for many such as Bash and Git to more complex applications like i3 or VSCode. Most of these files are contained in the ~/.config directory or right in the home directory. Editing these files allows you to customize applications beyond […]
How to Install and Configure Mattermost on CentOS 8
Mattermost is a free, open-source and self-hosted enterprise team collaboration messaging system. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Mattermost with Nginx reverse Proxy on CentOS 8.
How to Upgrade the Kernel on CentOS 8.0
The Kernel is the core of the Linux operating system. This guide will show you how to update the kernel in the CentOS 8.0 environment.
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