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10 networking guides for Linux sysadmins
Here are our most-read networking guides for 2019. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, there's bound to be something here you'll find useful.
How to Setup a Cron Job in Debian 10
Crontab is an important Linux tool that is used to schedule tasks so that programs and scripts can be executed at a specific time. In this article, I am going to teach you how you can schedule a job in Debian 10 and show you some examples.
Most-read open source news stories of 2019
A great deal happened in the world of open source in 2019. Once upon a time, you would have been hard-pressed to find news about Linux, free software, and open source software outside of a small handful of specialist publications. Today, though, news about open source is everywhere; the online edition of Forbes even has its own Linux columnist.
Understanding the /etc/shadow File
The /etc/shadow file keeps records about encrypted users' passwords, as well as other passwords related information.
How to Sketch Like a Pro in Krita
Krita is a software specializing in sketching and drawing. This tutorial will work as both an intro to sketching and the use of Krita for this purpose.
7 questions to ask an employer before taking a sysadmin job
I learned a lot about "The Interview" during my first career transition. Hopefully, you will find some of these takeaways helpful.
A Brief History of Open Source Sofrtware
Everybody uses open source software today. But not everyone knows where it came from, or how many battles were fought along the way before it emerged victorious. If you're not sure you know the whole story, this article is for you.
Fkill - Interactively Search And Kill Processes On Linux
Fkill, stands for Fabulous Kill, is a cross-platform command line utility to interactively search and kill multiple processes at once.
The importance of consistency in your Python code
The principle of least surprise is a guideline when designing user interfaces. It says that when the user performs an action, the program should do whatever would surprise the user the least. This is for the same reason kids love reading the same book over and over again: there is nothing more comforting to people than the ability to predict and have those predictions come true.
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Linux Kernel 5.3 Reached End of Life, Users Urged to Upgrade to Linux Kernel 5.4
The Linux 5.3 kernel series has reached end of life and it will no longer receive maintenance updates that fix critical security issues or bugs.
How to extend your laptop battery lifespan on Linux Ubuntu/Debian
As computers become more powerful and more efficient, they rapidly drain their batteries because they consume more electricity. While this might depend on the number of running applications, laptop moans are mainly caused by battery life especially when they are not plugged in throughout the day.
How to Multitask in the Linux Terminal with Screen
Screen makes multitasking in the terminal simple. With it, you can run many tools in parallel, each in their session, and detach and re-attach to it at will
10 articles to become more data science savvy
When LinkedIn released its third annual Emerging Jobs report, engineers everywhere said, "Amen." More than half the list consists of engineering roles, with new fields like robotics appearing for the first time. But data science had a strong showing as well. The role shows 37% annual growth, topping that aspect of the Emerging Jobs list for the third year in a row.
12 open source resources for kids and young adults
Are you looking to challenge your children (or even yourself) to learn new things about open source technologies? Whether you're in elementary school, high school, or college, or even a parent or teacher, has some great reading about open source technologies suitable for the younger generation. Here are our top 12 articles from 2019 on open source for students (and those who love them).
Top articles of 2019: For desktop users
It’s this time of the year again — the time to reflect, and look back at some Fedora Magazine’s most popular articles in 2019. This time it’s all about desktop users. Let’s highlight a few of the many articles written by our great contributors in 2019, focusing on Fedora as a desktop OS. Dash to […]
How to Install Vagrant on CentOS 8
Vagrant is a command-line tool for building and managing virtualized development environments.
How To Simulate Linux Commands Without Changing Anything In The System
This brief tutorial explains how to simulate Linux commands but do not actually change the system.
How the Zen of Python handles errors
Handling "exceptional conditions" is one of the most debated issues in programming. That could be because the stakes are high: mishandled error values can bring down even the largest systems. Since "exception conditions," by nature, are the least tested but occur with unpleasant frequency, correctly handling them can often distinguish a system that horror stories are told about to a system that "just works."
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4 Ways To Check Uptime of Apache Web Server (httpd) on Linux
This tutorial gives you several options to check Apache (http) web server uptime on Linux.
10 Linux command tutorials for beginners and experts
Using Linux well means understanding what commands are available and what they're capable of doing for you. We have covered a lot of them on during 2019, and here are 10 favorites from the bunch.
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