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Chill out with the Linux Equinox Desktop Environment
I haven't used the Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) for anything serious yet, but I'm a fan of the C++ GUI toolkit that's pretty simple to learn and (in my experience) reliable even across updates. When I found out that there was a desktop environment built with FLTK, I was eager to try it—and I was quickly glad I did. The Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE) is a fast and simple desktop written in C++ and FLTK for Unix desktops.
Celebrate the holidays at your Bash prompt
Your Linux terminal probably supports Unicode, so why not take advantage of that and add a seasonal touch to your prompt?
Top articles for learning Python in 2020
Python had a big year in 2019. According to popular resources like GitHub and Stack Overflow, it's trending as the second most popular language in the world.
Top 11 Linux articles from our first year
Our readers were drawn to these Linux articles (from commands you need to know to magic with SSH) during 2019. Check them out, and you might just learn something new.
5 security tips from Santa
If you're reading this in 2019, it's almost Christmas (as celebrated according to the Western Christian calendar), and, like all children and IT professionals, it's time to write your letter to Santa/St. Nick/Father Christmas. Don't forget: those who have been good get nice presents and those who haven't get coal. Coal is not a clean-burning fuel, and with climate change well and truly upon us,1 you don't want to be going for the latter option.
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Bash: Append to File
In Bash, there are multiple ways to append text to a file. This article explains some of them.
LibreOffice 6.4 nearly done as open-source office software project prepares for 10th anniversary
A decade later, has LibreOffice succeeded? With business still hooked on Microsoft Office, not really
The LibreOffice team is testing the first release candidate of version 6.4, which is set for release at the end of January.…
Why your Python code should be flat and sparse
The Zen of Python is called that for a reason. It was never supposed to provide easy-to-follow guidelines for programming. The rules are specified tersely and are designed to engage the reader in deep thought.
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5 Examples of the Netcat (nc) Command in Linux
Here are some practical examples you can follow to learn how the netcat command is used in Linux.
Display Animated Christmas Tree In Terminal
BASH script to display animated Christmas tree in Terminal.
Carrier boards and mini-PCs boost the Jetsons
Diamond has unveiled a “Stevie” carrier board for the Jetson AGX Xavier that supports 8x cameras. Other recent Diamond carriers include the PCI/104 equipped Elton for the Xavier, the Jethro and smaller Ziggy for the TX2, and the enclosed ZiggyBox and Jetbox-Nano systems. Diamond Systems announced a Stevie carrier board for Nvidia’s high-end Jetson AGX […]
DevOps in 2019: A Deeper Commitment to Github, Java and .Net
While change is constant, in the world of DevOps and software development, there are a lot of important things that remain the same.
How to Install JIRA on Ubuntu Linux
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install JIRA on Ubuntu Linux. Developed by Atlassian, JIRA is proprietary and comprehensive software tool mainly used for project management, issue tracking, and bug fixing.
Basic Linux Commands
The command line gives you more power over your system and access to features that are not available through a graphical interface.
Display Media Files Information On Linux Using Mediainfo
Getting audio, video technical and tag information using MediaInfo on Linux.
How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 8
Apache CouchDB is a free and open-source NoSQL database developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It can be used as a single-node or clustered database.
4 Time Machine Alternatives for Linux
Apple has set a high standard in their Time Machine backup software. Here are some of the best Time Machine alternatives for Linux that can back up your HDD
How to Save a File in Vim or Vi and Quit the Editor
Vim or Vi is the popular text editor among the Linux System Administrators and Software Developers. Vim comes preinstalled on major Linux distributions and macOS. The Vim text editor is used to edit configuration files or program files. In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to Save a File in Vim or Vi and Quit the Editor.
The latest Black Mesa update makes it much smoother on Linux
With Crowbar Collective enabling a Beta containing the full Black Mesa experience recently, it came with a major performance problem on Linux which now seems to be solved!
How to Automatically Record the Terminal Session Activity of All Users on Linux
This tutorial allows the Linux administrator to automatically record the terminal activity of all users for future reference.
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