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How to install and configure Dropbear on Linux

The dropbear suite provides both an ssh server and a client application (dbclient), and represents a light alternative to OpenSSH. Since it has a small footprint and uses system resources very well, it is generally used on embed devices, with limited memory and processing power (e.g routers or embed devices), where optimization is a key factor. It provides a lot features, like, for example, X11 forwarding, and it is fully compatible with the OpenSSH public key authentication. In this tutorial we will see how to install it and configure it on Linux.

Are you a Nim-by? C-ish language, gentler than Go, friendlier than Rust, reaches version 1.0

We are the knights who say... Nim! The Nim programming language reached v1.0 on Monday, bringing with it a stability guarantee and enthusiasm from its community of fans.…

First Librem 5 Linux Phones Start Shipping to Customers Around the World

Purism, the hardware manufacturer known for their security and privacy focused Linux laptops, announced that the new Librem 5 Linux phone has started shipping to customers around the world.

Latest Software Patent Lawsuit Against GNU/Linux (GNOME) is Connected to Microsoft

Armed by the biggest patent troll of Microsoft, Rothschild Patent Imaging LLC not only threatens but also sues Free software that's part of standard GNU/Linux desktops

Build web apps to automate sysadmin tasks

System administrators (sysadmins) waste thousands of hours each year on repetitive tasks. Fortunately, web apps, built using open source tools, can automate a significant portion of that pain away. For example, it takes only about a day to build a web app using Python and JavaScript to reclaim some of that time.

Release for CentOS Linux 8 and CentOS Streams

  •; By Karanbir Singh (Posted by jecker on Sep 25, 2019 12:44 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: Linux
This is the first release for CentOS Linux 8 and is version marked as 8.0-1905, derived from sources published by Red Hat, delivered via

How to Fix High Memory Usage in Linux

  • Make Tech Easier; By Kris Wouk (Posted by damien on Sep 25, 2019 11:42 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
There are times when your computer is running slow because some apps are using a large amount of memory. Here's how to fix high memory usage issue in Linux.

How to install the NVIDIA drivers on CentOS 8

The NVIDIA Driver is a program needed for your NVIDIA Graphics GPU to function with better performance. It communicates between your Linux operating system, in this case CentOS 8, and your hardware, the NVIDIA Graphics GPU. The NVIDIA drivers can be installed by using the bash command after stopping the GUI and disabling the nouveau driver by modifying the GRUB boot menu.

How to Install Jetty on Ubuntu 18.04

Jetty is an open-source HTTP Servlet Server written entirely in Java. It is designed to be lightweight, high-performance, embeddable, extensible, and flexible, thus making it an ideal platform for serving dynamic HTTP requests from any Java application. Let’s begin with the installation. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Jetty 9 on a Linux VPS running Ubuntu 18.04.

These Are the Default Wallpapers of Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)

Canonical has announced the winners of the Ubuntu wallpaper competition and unveiled the default wallpapers for the upcoming Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) operating system.

Time to Rename the Linux Foundation’s and Maybe Call it Linux.NET

The “Linux Foundation” has nothing to do with Linux anymore; it’s just an opportunistic and tax-exempt marketing agency looking to squeeze bucks out of the Linux trademark of Linus Torvalds

Red Hat introduces rolling release CentOS Stream

Red Hat's little brother server operating system will now come with a rolling release option: CentOS Stream for developers.

Java still relevant, Linux desktop, and more industry trends

As part of my role as a senior product marketing manager at an enterprise software company with an open source development model, I publish a regular update about open source community, market, and industry trends for product marketers, managers, and other influencers. Here are five of my and their favorite articles from that update.

Aaeon spawns three Intel-based AI computers with Myriad X

Aaeon announced three “Boxer-8300AI” series edge AI computers that run Linux on Intel Apollo Lake or 6th and 7th Gen Core CPUs with up to two Myriad X-enabled AI Core X modules or AI Core XPG cards. Over the years, Aaeon has churned out dozens of Intel-based “Boxer” embedded computers, but in recent years we […]

The Corporate Linux Foundation as Agent of Microsoft and Other Serial GPL Violators

The Linux Foundation does a disservice to those whom it claims to speak for and represent; unless of course the Linux Foundation is the trade group whose goal is to outsource Linux to the foes of Linux

How to Install Hugo Site Generator On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Sep 25, 2019 1:51 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Ubuntu
Hugo is a free and open-source framework written in Go language that can be used to create websites with ease. It is simple, fast and secure static site generator, you don't need any database to run it.

7 Good Open Source AI/Machine Learning Systems

Artificial intelligence is taking over many sectors in technology in the last few years. Proprietary software have tried to take their share of the cake, but open source alternatives are there to stand.

You cant open-source license morality

  • ZDNet; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Sep 24, 2019 11:22 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
After developers pushed Chef Software to cut ties with ICE, there have been renewed calls for open-source licenses, which include morality clauses. For better or worse, such licenses aren't open source nor are they enforceable.

How to fight deepfakes and ransomware: Better security training

Did you hear about the CEO who was recently duped by an AI-powered deepfake voice scam? It’s time to increase security training for everyone - especially the C-Suite

Red Hat and CentOS Unveil CentOS Stream, a New Rolling Release Linux Distro

Red Hat and CentOS Project announced today the availability of a new GNU/Linux distribution called CentOS Stream, providing a rolling release operating system to developers and contributors.

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