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Raspberry Pi OS Raspbian Improves Raspberry Pi 4 Support, Adds Many Improvements

Raspberry Pi Foundation released a new version of the official Raspberry Pi operating system, Raspbian, to improve support for the latest Raspberry Pi 4 computer, as well as to add many other enhancements and updated components.

Getting started with Corteza Low Code for your CRM: How to build an application

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 30, 2019 1:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Corteza is open source software often used as an alternative to Salesforce. In addition to its customer relationship management (CRM) application, one of its most popular and empowering features is its low-code development environment, which helps users create custom Corteza apps that give them exactly what they need. read more

Shelter, Application To Create An Isolated Space On Android!

  • Fosslicious; By Ridho (Posted by fosslicious on Sep 30, 2019 11:53 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Android
Creating an application clone on a smartphone is one way to open 2 different accounts for an application for certain purposes. Actually, cloning an application is not necessary when the application has a feature to open more than one account. Examples are Applications made by Google.

Contribute at the kernel and IoT edition Fedora test days

Fedora test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora before, this is a perfect way to get started. There are two upcoming test days in […]

Bash Script to Generate System Uptime Reports on Linux

This bash script will collect all the server uptime and send the report to the given email id.

How To Add A User to Sudoers On CentOS 8

In today’s tutorial, we are going to focus on adding a user to sudoers on the most recent CentOS distribution : CentOS 8.

In CentOS 8, there are two ways of adding a user to sudoers : you can add it to the wheel group (similar to the sudo group on Debian based distributions) or you can add the user to the sudoers file.

Here are the details of the two methods used.

How I ditched my old OS and jumped into Linux

About a year ago, I came across an article on Twitter, Ditching Windows: 2 Weeks With Ubuntu Linux On The Dell XPS 13, by Jason Evangelho, a long-time Forbes tech writer. Here was a person who was clearly fired up from his recent experience using Linux. He had recently been sent a laptop running Windows 10 for evaluation and, in the middle of a large file transfer, the machine restarted without warning. read more

Large Corporations Can Definitely Work With Free/Libre Software But Total Domination Over Free/Libre Software is the Problem

Typical and lousy corporate screed, along with corporate media, incites the public against Stallman (based on deliberate misrepresentation), potentially forcing him into temporary ‘homelessness’ (the above is a new Web page from Stallman) while corporations that incorporate GNU into their products rake in billions of dollars each month

8 Different Ways To Generate A Strong Password In Linux

This brief tutorial describes different ways to generate a strong password in Linux and Unix-like operating systems from Command line.

Writing Less Simple, Yet Stupid Filesystem Using FUSE in C

  • MQH Blog; By Mohammed Q. Hussain (Posted by maastaar on Sep 30, 2019 1:13 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
This tutorial explains how to create Less Simple, Yet Stupid Filesystem by using FUSE. This filesystem will be able to create new directories/files, list available directories/files, read files and write to them.

The Linux and gaming Sunday round-up paper

Another week has passed already? There's simply not enough time in the week! Since we slow right during during the weekend to get a little downtime ready to be fresh for another week, here's some interesting bits for Sunday reading.

How to Run Ubuntu Container in Chrome OS

The default Linux distro used in Chrome OS Crostini is Debian. You are not stuck with it, though. Here's how to change it to run Ubuntu instead.

Whats your favorite compiler?

Everyone has a favorite tool for any given job. For programmers, the building process is often a relatively brief job in their workflow, but it's the one that really matters. After all, without compiled code, there's nothing to distribute to users. And different compilers have different features and—whether or not there's a bug about it—quirks. Compilers matter.

read more

How to Configure MySQL (MariaDB) Master-Slave Replication on Debian 10

MySQL replication is a process of copying data from one database server (master) to one or more servers (slaves). MySQL supports several replication topologies with Master/Slave topology being one of the most well-known topologies in which one database server acts as the master, while one or more servers act as slaves. By default, the replication is asynchronous where the master sends events that describe database modifications to its binary log and slaves request the events when they are ready.

Containous releases Traefik 2.0 open source edge router

Traefik 2.0, a major update to the popular open source edge router, enables new use cases and improves visibility into cloud-native deployment stacks, including Kubernetes.

FSF May Not be Trustworthy Anymore, It's Believed/Said to Have Just Defaced Richard Stallman's Personal Web Site

  • Techrights; By Roy Schestowitz (Posted by schestowitz on Sep 29, 2019 4:04 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU
The FSF is now actively 'attacking' its very own founder, whose Web site is said to have been defaced by FSF staff

Chrome OS 77 Brings Google Assistant to More Chromebooks, Updated Files App

  • Softpedia; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on Sep 29, 2019 2:28 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Chrome
Google has begin the rollout of the latest Chrome OS 77 operating system for Chromebooks, a release that brings the Google Assistant to more devices and several other updates.

New CentOS Linux distro sips updates from RHEL codebase like an ever-flowing Stream

Want a peek at what's coming in Red Hat? Step this way. CentOS has told devs that they can now get stuck into Stream, a new Linux distro it built with code planned for the next minor release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).…

CentOS 8.0.1905 network installs on bare metal via External Repos succeeded (non US location )

  •; By Boris Derzhavets (Posted by dba477 on Sep 29, 2019 10:05 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Red Hat
At the moment URLs below worked for me as installation repositories, Hopefully this repositories will stay stable in a foreseeable future. Particular source might be verified when creating CentOS 8 virtual machine on any KVM Hypervisor, say on Ubuntu 18.05 Server .

How to Mount an exFAT Drive on Debian

exFAT is a proprietary Microsoft file system optimized for flash memory devices such as SD cards and USB flash drives. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to enable exFAT support on Debian Linux.

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