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How To Set Timezone And Enable Network Time Sync (NTP) From The Command Line

  • Linux Uprising (Posted by logix on Jul 19, 2019 10:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
This article explains how to use timedatectl to change the timezone and enable automatic synchronization of the system clock with a remote server using the NTP (Network Time Synchronization) protocol on Linux.

Powered by Plasma: ALBA Synchrotron in Barcelona, Spain

We’re always looking for interesting stories from people who use KDE software at their workplace, in school, or in government institutions. You can imagine our delight, then, when we met Sergi Blanch-Torné at this year’s FOSDEM. Sergi is a Controls Software Engineer at ALBA, a KDE user, and a Free software advocate and contributor. Not only was he willing to tell us about his favorite KDE apps, but he also works at one of the most amazing places on Earth! In this interview, he tells us what it’s like to work at ALBA, and answers the burning question: “what even is a synchrotron?”.

Use HackMD to collaborate on open source projects is an open source, collaborative Markdown editor. It allows people to share, comment, and collaborate on documents. As open source software, users can choose between using the online platform or installing it as a local service using the upstream project CodiMD.

Installing Microsoft's fonts on Solus

Times New Roman, Arial, are one of the most popular fonts that are created by Microsoft. Solus, by default, does not include the major Microsoft fonts So in this tutorial i will show you how to install MS Fonts pack on Solus.

Maestral Is A New Open Source Dropbox Client For Linux And macOS

Maestral is a new open source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux, that's currently in beta. Its porpose is to have a Dropbox client that supports syncing to drives which use Btrfs, Ext3, ZFS, XFS or encrypted filesystems. It's also a lot lighter than the official Dropbox client.

Shrinking Linux Attack Surfaces

Often, a kernel developer will try to reduce the size of an attack surface against Linux, even if it can't be closed entirely. It's generally a toss-up whether such a patch makes it into the kernel. Linus Torvalds always prefers security patches thatreally close a hole, rather than just give attackers a slightly harder time of it.

No love lost between security specialists and developers

GitLab finds 68% of security professionals feel that less than half of developers can spot security vulnerabilities, but most people feel it's a programmer's job to write secure code.

Enable bootsplash on Manjaro

If you use Manjaro and you like to have a harmonic and beautiful Linux system from boot to desktop, follow me as i will show you in this tutorial how to enable and configure the bootsplash screen on Manjaro. Let's go

Episode 23: Advertisers: Don't Be Creepy

Katherine Druckman and Doc Searls talk to Linux Journal's Danna Vedder about the current state of advertising.

IBM / Red Hat, Ubuntu & Nvidia, Firefox, Kdenlive, Syncthing, Huawei, Valve | This Week in Linux 74

On this episode of This Week in Linux, AMD releases BIOS fix for the Linux booting issue, IBM closes on the landmark acquisition of Red Hat, and Ubuntu announces that Ubuntu LTS users will be getting the latest nvidia drivers much more easily.......................

Setup Zsh + Powerline on Solus

Have you asked yourself ? What is Zsh ? And why should I use it ? If yes, I will answer you briefly. The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a command interpreter for shell scripting. Zsh is an extended Bourne shell with a large number of improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh. If you are using Solus and you decided to switch your shell from bash to Zsh, I will show you how to Setup Zsh + Powerline on Solus.

Public Statement on Neutrality of Free Software

  • F-Droid; By F-Droid (actual author unnamed) (Posted by jdixon on Jul 19, 2019 1:45 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: Android
F-Droid abandons neutrality to censor Gab oriented apps.

Google's Go team decides not to give it a try

  • The Register (Posted by bob on Jul 19, 2019 12:31 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
A key proposal for Go 1.14 – adding a built-in try keyword – has been declined The Go language will not be adding a "try" keyword in the next major version, despite this being a major part of what was proposed for version 1.14.…

Easy way to create a Debian package and local package repository

This article describes a simple way to create a home made debian package and include it into a local package repository. Although we could use an existing Debian/Ubuntu package, we will start from scratch by creating and packaging our own trivial application. Once our package is ready, we will include it into our local package repository. This article illustrates a very simplistic approach, however it may serve as a template in many different scenarios.

How to Install Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 18.04

  • Cloubbooklet; By Pappin Vijak (Posted by cloudbooklet on Jul 18, 2019 10:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
How to Install Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 18.04. Tomcat is a web server that is used to serve Java applications. This tutorial guide you to install latest Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 18.04

How To Automatically Disable Touchpad When Typing In Ubuntu

Three ways to automatically disable Touchpad when typing in Ubuntu operating system and its variants like Linux Mint.

The 'Linux' Foundation is Acting Like a Microsoft ISV Now, Commitment to Linux and FOSS Deteriorates Even Further

The Linux Foundation has just announced a new Microsoft-funded initiative that's pushing GitHub and CLAs (passing copyrights on code to corporations)

Finding malformed markup

  • BASHing data; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by Bob_Mesibov on Jul 18, 2019 6:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
HTML tags in non-HTML documents sometimes get messed up. This post describes a two-step procedure for locating most of the usual errors.

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