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How to Install WildFly on Ubuntu 18.04
WildFly, formerly known as JBoss, is a free and open-source Java web application server designed around speed and being lightweight. WildFly aims to provide users with a fast and stable Java runtime environment. In this tutorial, we will install and configure the latest version of WildFly and all necessary components on an Ubuntu 18.04 VPS.
An Introduction to Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps
Kubernetes has two types of objects that can inject configuration data into a container when it starts up: Secrets and ConfigMaps. Secrets and ConfigMaps behave similarly in Kubernetes, both in how they are created and because they can be exposed inside a container as mounted files or volumes or environment variables.
How to Install Software through Flatpak on Ubuntu
Flatpak is a universal package system for software deployments, application virtualization, and most importantly package management that works on all Linux distros. With a Flatpak package, you don’t need to worry about any dependencies and libraries as everything is already bundled within the application itself.
Shoot Spaceships In Another Classic Arcade Hyperspace Drifter
Hyperspace Drifter is a classic arcade space shooter game. The game features beautiful 3D-like environment settings and cool flat-like spaceship art. It is lightweight too so the game does not require much computing resources unless you are playing it in maximized window mode.
5 reasons to use Kubernetes
Kubernetes is the de facto open source container orchestration tool for enterprises. It provides application deployment, scaling, container management, and other capabilities, and it enables enterprises to optimize hardware resource utilization and increase production uptime through fault-tolerant functionality at speed. The project was initially developed by Google, which donated the project to the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation.
Action-oriented survival RPG 'It Lurks Below' is coming to Linux and it may be soon
Today I had the pleasure of briefly speaking to David Brevik (Blizzard North, Diablo) from Graybeard Games about It Lurks Below and they confirmed Linux support.
Networking board runs Linux on 16-core, -A72 LX2160A
SolidRun opened $550 pre-sales on a “HoneyComb LX2K” Mini-ITX board with a “CEx7 LX2160A” COM Express module that runs Linux on NXP’s 2.0GHz, 16-core -A72 LX2160A with up to 64GB DDR4 and dual 10GbE SFP+ ports. SolidRun announced pre-sales of $550 for a developer-oriented “early access” version of a high-end networking board that showcases NXP’s […]
Linux Type Command
The type command is used to display information about the command type. It will show you how the command would be interpreted if typed on the command line. In this tutorial, we will cover the Linux type command.
Chapter 7: Patent War — Use Low-Quality Patents to Prove That All Software Rips Off Your Company
The copyright is on the expression or implementation of the recipe (the wording) or the program (the code.) There is no copyright on the process or the concepts implemented.
Announcing Our Google Summer of Code 2019 Students
The KDE Community welcomes our Google Summer of Code students for 2019!
These students will be working with our development teams throughout the summer, and many of them will join us this September at Akademy, our annual community meeting...
How to Move Files and Directories in Linux with the mv Command
Moving files and directories is one of the most basic tasks you often need to perform on a Linux system.
The best and worst of GitHub: Repos wiped without notice, quickly restored -- but why?
That feel when 'beating heart' of your project returns a 404
Game designer Jason Rohrer has had a bad week, discovering that his 23 code repositories representing 15 years of development and community contributions were wiped from GitHub.…
Try Various Linux Distributions Using Remmina!
Remmina is one application that is used for remote desktop clients. In this article, I will use Remmina to run Linux distributions on the
LF Edge announces first Akraino release for open edge computing
The Linux Foundation’s LF Edge project announced the first release of the Akraino Edge Stack with 10 “blueprints” for different edge computing scenarios. Also: LF Edge recently announced new members and the transfer of seed code from Zededa to Project EVE. The Akraino Edge Stack project, which earlier this year was folded into the Linux […]
An open source bionic leg, Python data pipeline, data breach detection, and more news
In this edition of our open source news roundup, we take a look at an open source bionic leg, a new open source medical imaging organization, McKinsey's first open source release, and more!
CreatorCrate, a unique roguelike 2D platformer made on Linux is looking for funding
Jori Ryan of CreatorCrateGames emailed about their roguelike 2D platformer CreatorCrate. It's being developed on Linux (primarily on Manjaro) and so they're aiming for same-day Linux support with it.
Microsoft and Proprietary Software Vendors a Financial Boon for the Linux Foundation, But at What Cost?
The Linux Foundation is thriving financially, but the sources of income are diversified to the point where the Linux Foundation is actually funded by foes of Linux, defeating the very purpose or direction of such a nonprofit foundation (led by self-serving millionaires who don't use GNU/Linux)
Tmux Command Examples To Manage Multiple Terminal Sessions
Learn most-commonly used Tmux commands to manage multiple Terminal sessions.
Linux Privilege Escalation exploiting Sudo Rights?—?Part I
A few days back, I was trying to solve a box and getting the root access was looking a bit tricky at first. But after thinking about it for half an hour, I was able to figure out that some basic knowledge about Linux File permissions and text editors will do the work.
This article explains in-depth ways to gain root access using common file editors such as Nano and Vim.
The Linux Foundation as a Facilitator of Microsoft's Abduction of Developers (for GitHub, Azure, Visual Studio and Windows)
There’s a profoundly disturbing pattern; in a rush for influence and money the Linux Foundation inadvertently (or worse — consciously and deliberately) paved the way to Microsoft’s more modern version of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish (EEE)
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