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Parallel computation in Python with Dask
One frequent complaint about Python performance is the global interpreter lock (GIL). Because of GIL, only one thread can execute Python byte code at a time. As a consequence, using threads does not speed up computation—even on modern, multi-core machines.
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How To Install And Enable Flatpak Support On Linux?
2DayGeek: In recent years, universal packaging formats were come out and gained a lot of popularity among traditional package manager.
Making computer science curricula as adaptable as our code
Educators in elementary computer science face a lack of adaptable curricula. Calls for more modifiable, non-rigid curricula are therefore enticing—assuming that such curricula could benefit teachers by increasing their ability to mold resources for individual classrooms and, ultimately, produce better teaching experiences and learning outcomes.
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3 cool text-based email clients
Writing and receiving email is a big part of everyone’s daily routine and choosing an email client is usually a major decision. The Fedora OS provides a large choice of email clients and among these are text-based email applications. Mutt Mutt is probably one of the most popular text-based email clients. It supports all the […]
How to Install Audacious Audio Player on Ubuntu
In this article, we will describe two ways to install Audacious on Ubuntu. You can make a choice based on the source you want to install Audacious from and also if you want to use the UI or the command line.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 18: Recursive functions
Irrespective of the programming language you use, as you start coding more and more, you get to learn concepts that make your code crisp and easy to read/understand. There are several such concepts in the C as well. One of them is 'recursive functions,' which we'll be discussing here in this article.
Install Joomla on Ubuntu 18.04
Joomla is one of the most popular open source content management systems that powers hundreds of thousands of websites. It is written in PHP and packs a ton of features that can be extended with free and premium extensions and themes. With Joomla, you can easily build your eCommerce store, personal website, social site or blog.
How Kubeflow is evolving without ksonnet
Many software projects depend on modules that are run as separate open source projects. When one of those modules loses support (as is inevitable), the community around the main project must determine how to proceed.
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Linux Journal at 25
Most magazines have the life expectancy of a house plant.... Our first publisher was Bob Young, who quickly left to leverage his on-the-job
learnings into a Linux startup he called Red Hat. When I first met Bob, years later,
I told him Phil said, "I taught Bob how to spell Linux." To my surprise, Bob replied,
"That's true!"
Four Methods To Add A User To Group In Linux
2DayGeek: Learn how to add a user to a group in multiple ways.
How to create a filesystem on a Linux partition or logical volume
In computing, a filesystem controls how data is stored and retrieved and helps organize the files on the storage media. Without a filesystem, information in storage would be one large block of data, and you couldn't tell where one piece of information stopped and the next began. A filesystem helps manage all of this by providing names to files that store data and maintaining a table of files and directories—along with their start/end location, total size, etc.—on disks within the filesystem.
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Download Master PDF Editor 4 For Linux (Free To Use Version)
Master PDF Editor is a proprietary application to edit PDF documents on Linux, Windows and macOS. It can create, edit (insert text or images), annotate, view, encrypt, and sign PDF documents.
Show Your Photos in a New Browser Tab
The New tab area in your browser can be put to a variety of practical uses: from displaying time zone to taking notes and managing daily tasks. It's also possible to configure the new tab to showcase your photos.
Build and host a website with Git
Git is one of those rare applications that has managed to encapsulate so much of modern computing into one program that it ends up serving as the computational engine for many other applications. While it's best-known for tracking source code changes in software development, it has many other uses that can make your life easier and more organized. In this series leading up to Git's 14th anniversary on April 7, we'll share seven little-known ways to use Git.
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Excellent Utilities: tmux - terminal multiplexer software
This is the first in a new series highlighting best-of-breed utilities. We'll be covering a wide range of utilities including tools that boost your productivity, help you manage your workflow, and lots more besides. For the first article, we'll put tmux under the spotlight.
Ubuntu MATE 18.04 for Raspberry Pi Enters Beta Testing, Here's What's New
Ubuntu MATE leader Martin Wimpress announced the release of the beta version of the Ubuntu MATE 18.04 operating system for the tiny Raspberry Pi single-board computers.
How to Install Minecraft Server on Debian 9
Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time. It is a sandbox video game about building various structures and going on adventures.
How to Configure dnsmasq on Ubuntu Server
dnsmasq is a very lightweight local DNS server. dnsmasq can also be configured as a DNS cache server and DHCP server. dnsmasq has IPv4 and IPv6 supports including DHCPv4 and DHCPv6. dnsmasq is ideal for small network. In this article, I am going to show you how to use dnsmasq to configure a local DNS server, caching DNS server and DHCP server.
Gentoo-Based Sabayon Linux Is Still Alive, New Release Adds Full Disk Encryption
After a few months of silence, the Gentoo-based Sabayon Linux operating system has finally received a new release with up-to-date images that bring not only updated components from the Gentoo Linux repositories, but also new features and much-needed improvements.
Building a Raspberry PI Cluster - Part I: Hardware Acquisition and Assembly
Nowadays Linux runs on almost anything. You can get a cheap PC and turn it into a media station or web server or whatever else you wish at no aditional cost. Hardware is cheap also. With the advent of the Raspberry Pi and similar small computer boards one can get a fully-functional PC for the price you'd usually pay for a sixpack of beer. In this LinuxConfig series we'll not only build a Linux computer; we'll build an entire Linux cluster with four nodes and learn how to manage it so that all the nodes respond at the same time to the same commands.
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