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Bash vs. Python: Which language should you use?
Bash and Python are most automation engineers' favorite programming languages. Both have pros and cons, and sometimes it can be hard to choose which one you should use. The honest answer is: It depends on the task, the scope, the context, and the complexity of the task.
Let's compare these two languages to get a better understanding of where each one shines.
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Poddr – podcast client built with Electron and Angular
Poddr is a graphical podcast player that shares similarities with CPod. For example both are web-technologies based using the Electron framework.
The Demise of Google+ and the Case for FOSS
Google’s failed social network is now just another empty storefront on the Boulevard of Abandoned Tech.
InitRAMFS, Dracut, and the Dracut Emergency Shell
The Linux startup process goes through several stages before reaching the final graphical or multi-user target. The initramfs stage occurs just before the root file system is mounted. Dracut is a tool that is used to manage the initramfs. The dracut emergency shell is an interactive mode that can be initiated while the initramfs is […]
Linux commands you should never run on your system
This article refers to some of the Linux commands you should never run on your system as they might prove to be DEADLY for your Linux systems. So before I proceed, I would like...
Using systemd Timer Units to Schedule Jobs and Their Benefits over Cron
Learn how to create systemd timer units to schedule jobs. We also discuss the benefits of using timer units over cron jobs.
How to Set Up SFTP Chroot Jail
By default, users that can log in to the system via SSH, SFTP and SCP can browse the entire filesystem including other user’s directories. This may not be a problem if these users are trusted, but if you don’t want the logged in users to navigate around the system you will need to restrict user access to their home directory. This adds an extra layer of security especially on systems with multiple users.
The Creator of Linux Says Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram Are "a Disease"
"I absolutely detest modern media — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram," Torvalds told Linux Journall in a new interview. "It's a disease. It seems to encourage bad behavior." In particular, Torvalds said he takes issue with how social media is geared to generate as much engagement as possible.
Why corporate acquisitions could be good for the open source community
Open source is all over the media, IBM announced its acquisition of Red Hat, one of the largest in tech history, for $34 billion. Microsoft announced its agreement to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion. It seems the world’s largest companies are either releasing or acquiring their own open-source software — but opinions on this trend are divided.
Best GNOME Desktops For 2019
?Have you stumbled over here looking across the Internet, for the 2019 list of best GNOME desktops? Lucky you then, I'm glad you are at the right place and hopeful that you'll find this article helpful in case you are considering trying out a new Linux distro. Or just reading this article for fun. Alright, below are the list of Linux distros that I think are the best of 2019's GNOME desktops.
How to Setup an FTP Server with vsftpd on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
In this article, I am going to show you how to install and configure the vsftpd FTP server on Ubuntu. vsftpd is an open source FTP server. It is very secure and extremely fast. vsftpd is also stable. It is easy to configure as well.
The April 2019 Issue of the PCLinuxOS Magazine
The PCLinuxOS Magazine staff is pleased to announce the release of the April 2019 issue.
Manage multimedia files with Git
Learn how to use Git to track large multimedia files in your projects in the final article in our series on little-known uses of Git.
Happy 14th anniversary Git: What do you love about Git?
In the 14 years since Linus Torvalds developed Git, its influence on software development practices would be hard to match—in StackOverflow's 2018 developer survey, 87% of respondents said they use Git for version control. Clearly, no other tool is anywhere close to knocking Git off its throne as the king of source control management (SCM). In honor of Git's 14th anniversary on April 7, I asked some enthusiasts what they love most about it. Here's what they told me.
How To Count The Files By Extension In Linux?
Did you ever want to know how to count the files based on the extension or pattern or group in the current directory ? If so, don’t worry, this tutorial is here to help you out on this.
Linux Cut Command
Cut is a command line utility that allows you to cut parts of lines from specified files or piped data and print the result to standard output. It can be used to cut parts of a line by delimiter, byte position, and character. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the Linux cut command through practical examples and detailed explanations of the most common cut options.
Quotes as characters
BASH users know the difference between single and double quotes, but there are seven other quote characters to think about when processing text data.
Rugged, Jetson-based computer supports up to six CSI cameras
Aaeon’s fanless, $1,067 “Boxer-8130AI” embedded computer runs Ubuntu on a Jetson TX2 module and features 6x MIPI-CSI2 camera lanes, -20 to 50°C support, and a wide-range power supply. Aaeon continues to spin different Boxer-branded, AI focused embedded computers based on Nvidia’s Jetson TX2 module. The latest Boxer-8130A focuses on vision processing applications such as machine […]
5 IT certifications for beginners or career-changers
These IT certifications may open doors for newcomers, career-changers, or IT pros looking to build a new specialty
How to Find Directory Size in Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9
How to Find Directory Size in Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9. This tutorial explains how to find the size of a directory in operating systems like Ubuntu and Debian.
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