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Four Ways To Install Security Updates On Red Hat (RHEL) And CentOS Systems?

2DayGeek: Learn, what are the different methods that available to install security updates on Red Hat and CentOS system.

A practical learning exercise for Git

  • (Posted by bob on May 28, 2019 11:48 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In an effort to get some practice using Git, I began reading the documentation and some articles here on, particularly Seth Kenlon’s introductions. Once I finished reading, it was time to do some actual practice. read more

Terminal File Manager nnn 2.5 Adds Plugins, Mouse And SSHFS Support

  • Linux Uprising; By Logix (Posted by logix on May 28, 2019 10:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
nnn console file manager was updated to version 2.5, which includes plugins support and 19 plugins available, with more to come, mouse and SSHFS mounts support, and more.

JupyterLab teaches Python developers magic

I met a lot of wonderful people and learned a great deal about how the Python community works at PyCon 2019 in Cleveland. But my main technical takeaway has to do with the magic of JupyterLab, which is described as a web-based user interface for Jupyter Notebook, an application "that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text." read more

Linux Foundation and the Big Surveillance Industry, Media Industry, Microsoft Azure

  • Techrights; By Roy Schestowitz (Posted by schestowitz on May 28, 2019 8:05 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
The Linux Foundation has become a complex creature with intricate corporate ties and government ties as well (especially the US government); these relationships need to be better understood

Print Execution Time of Shell Script in Linux

  • Linux Handbook; By Abhishek Prakash Chaturvedi (Posted by abhishekpc on May 28, 2019 6:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
This quick tutorial teaches you how to display the execution time of a shell script in Linux.

4 of the Best Video-Editing Software for Linux

  • Make Tech Easier; By Ben Stockton (Posted by damien on May 28, 2019 5:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
In most cases, video editing software for Linux is free to use. If you want to get started, here are four of the best Linux video editors for you to try.

Bash Arrays

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on May 28, 2019 4:22 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU, Linux
In this article, we’ll discuss Bash arrays, and how to use them in your Bash scripts with the help of examples.

The Linux Rename Command(s) Demystified

  •; By Steven Vona (Posted by savona on May 28, 2019 3:07 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
In this article we take an interesting look at the fragmented Linux rename commands. We discuss both versions or types, their differences, how to switch between them and their basic syntax with examples.

How To Set Animated Wallpaper Background On Ubuntu Linux?

I was curious when I saw the animation wallpaper on a friend's computer. At that time he used the Windows operating system using an application that made the wallpaper look like an aquarium, so we would see the animation in the background image.

Livestream Wallpaper For Your GNOME, Xfce Or bspwm Desktop

This article explains how to use a livestream as a desktop wallpaper on GNOME, Xfce or bspwm with X11 (it does not work with Wayland). The live video stream can be any stream you like (a live city cam or the ISS live feed for example), as long as it's supported by Streamlink.

What is your favorite music to listen to while coding?

  • (Posted by bob on May 27, 2019 11:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
There is a song, artist, genre, and album for everything, whether you're trying to get in the zone or trying to zone out. When you're coding, what does your go-to playlist consist of? Does it mainly contain alternative rock songs with the perfect tempo for optimal productivity? Or do you prefer lyricless music, either classical or electronica, for the times you really need to focus? To balance out the more mundane tasks, do you shamelessly turn to sing-along pop to help pass the time? What tunes do you crave for a creativity boost?  read more

Build Your Own Internet Radio Receiver

I turned to building my own internet radio receiver—one with lots of buttons that allow me to "tune in" without being too pushy. In this article, I share my experience. In principle, it should be easy—you just need a Linux distro, a ship to sail her on and an external key pad for a rudder. In practice, it's not too hard, but there are a few obstacles along the course that I hope to help you navigate.

5 GNOME keyboard shortcuts to be more productive

For some people, using GNOME Shell as a traditional desktop manager may be frustrating since it often requires more action of the mouse. In fact, GNOME Shell is also a desktop manager designed for and meant to be driven by the keyboard. Learn how to be more efficient with GNOME Shell with these 5 ways […]

Antergos Linux Has Been Discontinued, All Users Will Be Migrated to Arch Linux

The development behind the Antergos Linux operating system announced the discontinuation of the project, as they decided to step down from developing this Arch Linux-based GNU/Linux distribution.

How to Backup Files with Déjà Dup and Duplicity on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on May 27, 2019 6:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
In this article, we will learn how to backup files and folders using Ubuntu default backup tool Déjà Dup. I will use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for describing the procedure in this article.

How to configure network interface bonding on RHEL 8 Linux

Network interface bonding consists in the aggregation of two or more physical network interfaces, called slaves, under one logical interface called master or bond interface. Depending on the bonding mode, such setup can be useful to achieve fault tolerance and/or load balancing. In this tutorial we will learn what the available bonding modes are and how to create a network bonding on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

How To Install Websitebaker CMS On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

WebsiteBaker is a free, open source, easy and secure, flexible and extensible open source content management system written in PHP. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install WebsiteBaker on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server.

How to Display File Contents in Column Format in Linux Terminal

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on May 27, 2019 2:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
Today we are going to look at the Linux column command and how we can use it in a most useful way to format the content.

How to write a good C main function

  • (Posted by bob on May 27, 2019 12:28 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
I know, Python and JavaScript are what the kids are writing all their crazy "apps" with these days. But don't be so quick to dismiss C—it's a capable and concise language that has a lot to offer. If you need speed, writing in C could be your answer. If you are looking for job security and the opportunity to learn how to hunt down null pointer dereferences, C could also be your answer! read more

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