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IBM Began Buying Red Hat 20 Years Ago

Many interesting analyses have been and will be written about why IBM bought Red Hat, and what it means for open source, Red Hat, Ubuntu, cloud computing, IBM, Microsoft and Amazon, amongst other things. But one aspect of the deal people may have missed is that in an important sense, IBM actually began buying Red Hat 20 years ago...

Getting started with Pelican: A Python-based static site generator

If you want to create a custom website or blog, you have a lot of options. Many providers will host your website and do much of the work for you. (WordPress is an extremely popular option.) But you lose some flexibility by using a hosted solution. As a software developer, I prefer to manage my own server and keep more freedom in how my website operates. read more

Ten Years After

When I first gathered the initial volunteers for HeliOS, there were many people, even some who have read this blog for years; that questioned the decision to put Linux on every computer that left our shop. I mean, let's face it. It's a Windows World out there. Business, for the most part, use Windows almost exclusively. Or at least they did when this was getting started. Some said that we'd be wasting our resources by putting a little-known and difficult operating system on our machines

How to Ping a Specific Port Number in Linux

  • Linux Handbook; By Abhishek Prakash (Posted by abhishekpc on Jan 7, 2019 4:41 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Quick tutorial shows you how to ping a specific port of a remote server.

How to manage your media with Kodi

  • (Posted by bob on Jan 7, 2019 3:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
If you, like me, like to own your own data, chances are you also like to purchase movies and TV shows on Blu-Ray or DVD discs. And you may also like to make ISOs of the videos to keep exact digital copies, as I do. read more

Strawberry – audio player and music collection organizer

Strawberry is an audio player and music collection organizer. It was originally forked from Clementine. The main goal was to create a player for playing local music files that looked a bit more like Amarok with advanced soundcard options. The music player is designed for music collectors, audio enthusiasts and audiophiles. The name is inspired by the band Strawbs.

Linux reaches the big five (point) oh

Torvalds has run out of fingers and toes, so version 5.0 RC1 is here Penguinistas, take heed. The kernel of your beloved OS has rung in the new year with a brand spanking new version number because... Linus felt like it.…

9 cheat sheets for Linux and open source

  • (Posted by bob on Jan 7, 2019 11:43 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
There are a ton of tasks you do every single day. Make it a little easier on yourself by downloading our cheat sheets. See this list of all of them. Nine of our favorites are listed below. Find the ones that speak to you and get started. Or, maybe you need to send a few virtual gifts to friends this year? Our cheat sheets make nice ones. read more

How to Compile Brotli from Source on CentOS 7

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Jan 7, 2019 9:57 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Brotli is a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm. This tutorial shows how to compile Brotli compression library from source on CentOS 7 system.

How to install XAMPP on Ubuntu 18.04

Apache Friends has developed XAMPP which stands for Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. By using this software you can test your web applications on your local system.

How To Customize Your GTK Desktop With Oomox and Pywal

  •; By Nick Congleton (Posted by linuxer on Jan 7, 2019 6:13 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Sometimes, it’s not easy to find the exact desktop theme to match your wallpaper or the aesthetic you want for you Linux desktop. It’s not exactly easy to make your own themes, and maintain them, unless you have the right tools.

Using the SSH Config File

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Jan 7, 2019 4:24 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
If you are regularly connecting to multiple remote systems over SSH on a daily basis, you'll find that remembering all of the remote IP addresses, different usernames, non standard ports and various command line options is difficult, if not impossible.

2019 and the Strength of Open Source

Now that the various challenges and successes of 2018 are behind us, let’s look back at some of the year’s highlights and see what’s in store for 2019 here on

How to Install VestaCP and Add a New Website on Ubuntu 18.04

  • DraculaServers (Posted by Vlad on Jan 7, 2019 12:47 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
VestaCP is a free and open-source web hosting control panel, with a set of features that includes integration with Softaculous, managing domains, databases, mail, DNS, cron jobs, backups, and more. In this tutorial we'll install VestaCP on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine, after which we'll configure it and add a new domain to it.

Antergos 19.1 Screenshot Tour

Antergos 19.1 is available for download. Packages updated for the live and minimal install environments. Antergos is a modern, elegant and powerful operating system based on Arch Linux. It started life under the name of Cinnarch, combining the Cinnamon desktop with the Arch Linux distribution, but the project has moved on from its original goals and now offers a choice of several desktops, including GNOME 3 (default), Cinnamon, Razor-qt and Xfce.

How to get a Kali Linux LUKS master key (alias: is Kali encrypted persistence safe?)

I have recenty set up a Kali live operating system with a LUKS-encrypted data persistence partition, and used it for a while. Unlike Tails, fortunately Kali Linux makes use of a ISO9660-formatted partition for system files (it does not feature the kernel update facility however). Anyway, my question is the same as for Tails: if I lend my USB key running Kali to an evil Penguin, am I sure to use it again afterwards?

132 of the 250 most highly rated games on Steam support Linux, even more when counting Steam Play

After curiosity got the better of me, I decided to have a little fun checking out just how many popular games are available officially on Linux.

How To Install and Configure ownCloud with Apache on Ubuntu 18.04

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Jan 6, 2019 3:03 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu
ownCloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and file share platform, similar to Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive. ownCloud is extensible via apps and has desktop and mobile clients for all major platforms.

CAELinux 2018 Screenshot Tour

We are proud to announce the new release of CAELinux 2018, which is based on Xubuntu 16.04 and which contains a full suite of open-source simulation tools for FEA, CFD or multi-physics simulation, but also a large panel of other engineering software for CAD-CAM and 3D printing, electronics, mathematics and programming. CAELinux 2018 represents a complete rebuild of the distribution that started in 2017 with up-to-date software and we hope that you will enjoy it. This release is available as usual in the form of an live DVD image for AMD/Intel 64-bit CPUs that can be burned on a DVD or installed on a USB key for 'mobile' use and testing and then installed on hard-disk for best performance.

Open source space academy opens in Nairobi

  • (Posted by bob on Jan 6, 2019 11:15 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Nairobi's Tunapanda Institute has been using open source tools to provide technology, design, and business training in East Africa since its inception in 2013. Next year the school will launch a "space academy" to inspire young people to think about some of the most critical challenges facing humanity on this planet and beyond. read more

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