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How to add/remove USB and other mounted volumes to/from Ubuntu desktop
This article describes two ways to remove or add USB and other mounted volume icons from the Ubuntu desktop. It explains how you can install Dconf Editor and the Gnome Tweaks Tool to your Ubuntu system and how you can utilize them.
Linux Mint 19.1 Xfce Screenshot Tour
Linux Mint 19.1 "Tessa" Xfce released! The Update Manager is able to list mainline kernels and to show their support status. A new button was added to make it easier to remove unused kernels. The Software Sources tool was given a new look. Similar to the welcome screen, it’s now using an Xapp sidebar and a headerbar...
Qt Announces Qt for Python, All US Publications from 1923 to Enter the Public Domain in 2019, Red Hat Chooses Team Rubicon for Its 2018 Corporate Donation, SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP1 Released and Mi
News briefs for December 20, 2018.
Linux Mint 19.1: The better than ever Linux desktop
The new Linux Mint is another step forward in what's already an outstanding Linux desktop distribution.
Linux time Command Tutorial for Beginners (with Examples)
Sometimes, when you're executing a program, you might want to know its system resource usage. Like how much time the process spent in kernel mode and user mode, and other info. Thankfully, there exists a tool - dubbed time - that's specifically built for this purpose.
A workaround for graphical issues with Unity games on Linux with an NVIDIA GPU
Recently, I wrote a post about Unity games when playing on NVIDIA having some major graphical glitches with a workaround. Here's another one, that might work better.
How to install MariaDB 10 on Debian 9
MariaDB is the fork of MySQL and backward compatible replacement for MySQL. Here in this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install MariaDB 10 from Ubuntu PPA and from Official Repository.
Archman 2018.12 JWM Screenshot Tour
Archman 2018.12 JWM has been released. Archman GNU/Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution which features the Calamares system installer and a pre-configured desktop environment. Archman also features the Octopi package manager to make installing new software easier.
7 CI/CD tools for sysadmins
Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) have all existed in the developer community for many years. Some organizations have involved their operations counterparts, but many haven't. For most organizations, it's imperative for their operations teams to become just as familiar with CI/CD tools and practices as their development compatriots are.
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Removing Duplicate PATH Entries: Reboot
by Mitch Frazier
In my first post on removing duplicate PATH entries I used an AWK one-liner. In the second post I used a Perl one-liner, or more accurately, I tried to dissect a Perl one-liner provided by reader Shaun. Shaun had asked that if I was willing to use AWK (not Bash), why not use Perl? It occurred to me that one might also ask: why not just use Bash? So, one more time into the void.
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Getting started with Prometheus
Prometheus is an open source monitoring and alerting system that directly scrapes metrics from agents running on the target hosts and stores the collected samples centrally on its server. Metrics can also be pushed using plugins like collectd_exporter—although this is not Promethius' default behavior, it may be useful in some environments where hosts are behind a firewall or prohibited from opening ports by security policy.
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Latest Firefox Focus provides more user control
The Internet is a huge playground, but also has a few dark corners. In order to ensure that users still feel secure and protected while browsing, we’ve implemented features that...
Bash Scripting: Learn to use REGEX (Part 2- Intermediate)
Regular expressions or regex or regexp are basically strings of character that define a search pattern, they can be used for performing ‘Search’ or ‘Search & Replace’ operations as well as can be used to validate a condition like password policy etc.
Regex is a very powerful tool that is available at our disposal & best thing about using regex is that they can be used in almost every computer language. So if you are Bash Scripting or creating a Python program, we can use regex or we can also write a single line search query.
Regex is a very powerful tool that is available at our disposal & best thing about using regex is that they can be used in almost every computer language. So if you are Bash Scripting or creating a Python program, we can use regex or we can also write a single line search query.
Linux Mint 19.1 MATE Screenshot Tour
Linux Mint 19.1 "Tessa" MATE released! The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 19.1 "Tessa" MATE Edition. This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.
Let your Linux terminal speak its mind
Greetings from another day in our 24-day-long Linux command-line toys advent calendar. If this is your first visit to the series, you might be asking yourself what a command-line toy even is. We’re figuring that out as we go, but generally, it could be a game, or any simple diversion that helps you have fun at the terminal.
We hope that even if you've seen some of these before, there will be something new for everybody in our series.
Some of you may be too young to remember, but before there was Alexa, Siri, or the Google Assistant, computers still had voices.
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Some thoughts on Linux gaming in 2018, an end of year review
Now that 2018 is coming to a close, let’s go over what’s happened this year. It’s been incredibly interesting to follow, things haven’t been this lively for some time.
How to Rename Files in Linux
Renaming files and directories is one of the most basic tasks you often need to perform on a Linux system. Renaming a single file is easy, but renaming multiple files at once can be a challenge, especially for users who are new to Linux.
10 books for your DevOps reading wishlist
Looking for good DevOps books to read? Don't know where to start? Follow this reading wishlist to find the best books on DevOps for practical thinkers. You'll learn from authors who have addressed real-life problems and contributed to the innovation process.
Try KDE Plasma Desktop As A Snap Package
Users wanting to try out KDE Plasma can now install the whole Plasma desktop as a snap. By using the KDE Plasma desktop snap, you're not making any changes to your underlying system, while also having the option of easily removing it. The KDE Plasma Desktop snap is available as a tech preview "and should not be considered for production".
IRS Linux move delayed by lingering Oracle Solaris systems
A recent Treasury audit report revealed an IRS IT move from Solaris to Linux was delayed due to gross incompetence.
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