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Code Review--an Excerpt from VM Brasseur's New Book Forge Your Future with Open Source

If you're not a Rockstar Ninja 10x Unicorn Diva programmer, not only is your code review feedback still valuable, but you can also learn a great deal in the process: Code layout, programming style, domain knowledge, best practices, neat little programming tricks you'd not have seen otherwise, and sometimes antipatterns (or "how not to do things").

Arm cozies up to Intel for second time in a week - this time to borrow tools from Yocto Project for Mbed Linux

Aww, ain't that sweet Earlier this week, Arm drew Intel into its warm embrace when Chipzilla joined its Pelion IoT platform. The Softbank-owned design house has said it's now preparing to release a Linux-based OS, taking advantage of the Intel-backed Yocto Project tools.

Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) Is Now Available to Download

Canonical just released a few moments ago the final ISO images of the Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) operating system ahead of the official launch later today.

Android Integration Extension For Gnome GSConnect v13 Stable Released

The latest GSConnect v13, released today, is a rewrite with with changes to the architecture, settings and default behavior, and it requires Gnome Shell 3.28 or 3.30. The new version includes redesigned settings, Do Not Disturb mode, quick reply from notifications, and other features and improvements.

Introduction To BASH Scripting - Learn BASH #1

Welcome to the introductory series on BASH scripting. This series will cover a complete guide on BASH starting from the foundation of computer programming then progressing on to the basic constructs of this scripting language and finally, you will also create a simple mini-project using this scripting language.

Official TV HAT brings DVB-T2 streaming to the Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has launched a Raspberry Pi TV HAT with a Sony CXD2880 TV tuner for receiving DVB-T2 transmissions in Europe. The $21.50 board debuts a half-size HAT format. The computer that was born to empower technology education in the UK can now be rejiggered into an old-fashioned idiot box. The Raspberry Pi […]

Love Microsoft Teams? Love Linux? Then you won't love this

Yesterday Linux users hoping to become first class citizens were dealt a cruel blow. A Microsoft representative has admitted that no, there is no dedicated engineering resource working on a Linux client.

Destination Linux EP92 - Elementary My Dear Distro

with guest host Gabriele of TechPills and Daniel Foré of elementary OS as a special guest to talk about elementary OS Juno

The case for open source classifiers in AI algorithms

  • (Posted by bob on Oct 18, 2018 8:23 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Dr. Carol Reiley's achievements are too long to list. She co-founded, a self-driving car startup that raised $50 million in its second round of funding last year. read more

Configure Apache 2 to Control Browser Caching

In this article, we are going to talk about how to configure Apache2 to control browser caching. If you want to reduce the consumption of your server’s resources, improved responsiveness, bandwidth utilization, availability of content during network interruptions, and give your end users a faster experience, then you need to use the caching that will allow all of this.

Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) Officially Released, Here's What's New

Canonical announced today the general availability of Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish), the most recent version of the Linux-based operating system featuring all the latest GNU/Linux technologies and Open Source software products.

Linux: Find Out Which Port Number a Process is Listening on

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Oct 18, 2018 4:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
As Linux users, we sometimes need to know which port number a particular process is listening upon. All ports are associated with a process ID or service in an OS. So how do we find that port? This article presents three different methods for you to find which port number a process is listening on.

4 open source alternatives to Microsoft Access

When small businesses, community organizations, and similar-sized groups realize they need software to manage their data, they think first of Microsoft Access. That may be the right choice if you're already paying for a Microsoft Office subscription or don't care that it's proprietary. read more

Ubuntu Linux 18.10 arrives

Like living dangerously? Keep running Windows. Like to take a little risk? Give the new version of Ubuntu Linux 18.10 a try.

How to start a vnc server for the actual display (scraping) with TigerVNC

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Oct 18, 2018 12:59 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
VNC is a desktop sharing application. This howto offers you a solution, to connect via TigerVNC server to the actual active session on your linux desktop.

SSH Authentication Bug Opens Door If You Say You're Logged-In

Due to a coding error, the libssh SSH authentication library would pass anyone who said they'd already successfully logged-in.

TimelineJS: An interactive, JavaScript timeline building tool

  • (Posted by bob on Oct 18, 2018 10:31 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
TimelineJS 3 is an open source storytelling tool that anyone can use to create visually rich, interactive timelines to post on their websites. To get started, simply click “Make a Timeline” on the homepage and follow the easy step-by-step instructions. read more

Enterprise Java caretakers float new rules of engagement for future feature updates

Eclipse Foundation seeks to replace the Java Community Process for Jakarta EE The Eclipse Foundation, saddled with oversight of Java EE last year after Oracle washed its hands of the thankless business of community governance, wants to revise the process by which enterprise Java – rechristened Jakarta EE when Oracle declined to grant use of its Java trademark – gets improved.…

How to enter nothing in a database

  • BASHing data; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by Bob_Mesibov on Oct 18, 2018 8:02 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
I call them NITS, which is short for Nothing Interesting To Say. They're the filler items that appear in spreadsheets and databases when the person entering the data has no information for a particular field.

Top 5 Free Open Source Web Hosting Control Panels

  •; By Arsal Ahmed (Posted by linxdata on Oct 18, 2018 6:48 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
As a website owner, you know how complicated it is to manage your hosting server without using a control panel. The most popular control panel for web hosting is cPanel because it has a lot of features you'll definitely need in managing a website. However, cPanel comes with a price. If you're just starting up, you'll definitely stay away from paying for services particularly if you don't have enough resources. So, are there free alternatives? Of course! These tools will give you just what you need to get you started.

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