This week at LWN: New rules for software contracts

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jun 6, 2009 10:23 AM EDT; By Jonathan Corbet
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On May 18, the Linux Foundation announced that it had sent a joint letter to the American Law Institute protesting some provisions in the ALI's proposed principles to be applied to the law of software contracts. That was likely the first that many LWN readers had heard of this particular initiative - or, indeed, of the ALI in general. Your editor, being a masochistic sort of person, has plowed through all 305 pages of the principles (which were made official by the ALI on May 20) with an eye toward their effect on free software. What follows is a non-lawyerly summary of what he found.

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this is what your LWN subscription buys tuxchick 0 658 Jun 6, 2009 11:15 AM

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