SSH Tunnels: Using a service from a nated (twice) box

Posted by eantoranz on Jun 8, 2009 2:22 PM EDT
Technology FLOSS; By Edmundo Carmona
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Recently I have being managing a box using a 3rd party application that allowed me to handle a windows box where I could use putty to get SSH access to a linux box. It had to be done this way because both my box and the linux box are nated, so they can't reach each other. Let me say it was a real PITA. The keyboard layouts were getting on my nerves. Some important keys didn't work sometimes... or at all (like ; or @ or ', etc). After a while I was encouraged enough to dig for a solution to get access to the SSH service of the linux box directly (or almost) instead of depending on this mess I was using.

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ssh tunnelling AnonymousCoward 0 1,128 Jun 8, 2009 10:21 PM

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