Intel Can't Ship Their Own Driver With Their MeeGo OS

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jul 16, 2010 2:33 AM EDT
Phoronix; By Michael Larabel
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With the introduction of Intel's Poulsbo (GMA 500) chipset it marked a point at which Intel's Linux graphics support was no longer stellar, but as they had outsourced the graphics IP from Imagination Technologies, they could not provide an open-source driver stack like they do with their in-house IGPs. Not only was this Intel Poulsbo Linux driver closed-source, but the level of support was appalling and it was a bloody mess of a situation. The overall situation since has only become worse and even MeeGo (their own Linux OS) will be shipping without Intel's EMGD driver.

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How in the world tracyanne 5 1,470 Jul 21, 2010 7:33 AM

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