Using the Opera browser as a widget engine in Linux

Posted by mcasperson on Aug 3, 2010 5:18 PM EDT
Brighthub; By Matthew Casperson
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With version 10.60, Opera allows widgets to be run as standalone applications. Opera is free and available for all major Linux desktop distributions, including 64 bit versions. There is a central database for Opera widgets, and you can find plenty of "top ten" type opera widget lists. Out of the box though Opera Widgets are not really designed to replace more traditional desktop widget engines. While Opera widgets can be run as stand alone applications, there is a bit of fiddling you need to do to get them to start up when you boot into Linux. Fortunately though it is not too difficult to do, as we will see.

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I still haven't found any use for Widgets. tracyanne 2 1,574 Aug 4, 2010 5:04 PM

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