Quickly booting C64 games in Linux

Posted by mcasperson on Aug 15, 2011 8:14 AM EDT
Brighthub; By Matthew Casperson
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It's lunch time, and you have 5 minutes to chill out and forget about those reports due by the end of the week. You could play some solitaire, but why limit yourself to the same old dull card games? Some of my favorite games were made for the Commodare 64, and to this day still provide a quick and enjoyable distraction for those otherwise dull desk based lunch breaks. The good news is that don't have to remember a bunch of archaic commands to get your favorite C64 games up and running. Using the VICE emulator, it takes nothing more than creating a desktop icon to boot a C64 game

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Seems to be missing something Grishnakh 4 1,536 Aug 16, 2011 4:23 PM

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