How to run Windows 1.01 in your browser

Posted by the_doctor on Oct 29, 2013 7:04 PM EDT
ExtremeTech; By Sebastian Anthony
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The browser-based version of Windows 1.01 is powered by PCjs, an IBM PC XT (Model 5160) emulator written in JavaScript. All major browsers support the emulator, including Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android. PCjs essentially emulates in software the entirety of the IBM PC ROM BIOS and MDA font ROM. The hardware of the emulated machine is highly configurable via XML — in the case of the Windows 1.01 machine, PCjs emulates the Intel 8088 CPU at 4.77MHz, 256KB of RAM, and CGA graphics. Rather than emulating the specific hardware features of the IBM PC XT, it seems that PCjs is mainly interested in emulating all of the features in IBM PC BIOS that Windows 1.01 makes calls to.

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