How to Install Dotclear on a Debian 8 VPS

Posted by RoseHosting on Sep 27, 2015 4:23 PM EDT
Rosehosting; By Rosehosting
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In this tutorial we are going to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to install Dotclear on a Debian 8 VPS. Dotclear is an open source web publishing software written in PHP, created to allow anyone publish websites, regardless of their technical skills.

In this tutorial we are going to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to install Dotclear on a Debian 8 VPS. Dotclear is an open source web publishing software written in PHP, created to allow anyone publish websites, regardless of their technical skills. This tutorial was tested and written for a Debian VPS, but it should work on any Linux distribution.

This install guide assumes that Apache, MySQL and PHP are already installed and configured on your Dotclear virtual server. At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest stable version of Dotclear is 2.8 and it requires:

PHP 5.2 or higher with the domxml, iconv, mbstring, MySQL, simplexml, SPL (standard PHP library) extensions enabled, ob_ function support and utf8 support on preg_ functions. Also, it is useful to have the PHP GD2 library enabled too. Apache Web Server >= 2.0 compiled with mod_rewrite module and with the following directives allowed: DirectoryIndex, Deny, Allow, Options, Order, AddHandler, RewriteEngine, RewriteBase, RewriteCond and RewriteRule. MySQL with InnoDB, PostgreSQL or SQLite installed on your virtual server.

So, let’s start with the installation procedure.

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