A grizzle about captive data

Posted by Bob_Mesibov on Jul 22, 2020 2:59 AM EDT
BASHing data; By Bob Mesibov
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A co-worker gave me some data for checking. The client had sent it in a RAR file. Inside the RAR was a Microsoft Access database. Inside the Access database was a single Access table, and inside the Access table was the data. I don't know why the client did that matryoshka-style data packing, but I know that many people don't understand that software isn't data. In this case, the raw data was just plain text (letters and numbers, punctuation, spaces, tabs and newlines), but the data was imprisoned in Microsoft Access, which is mostly secret gobbledygook.

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software *is* data gus3 7 6,063 Jul 23, 2020 9:44 PM

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