Platform engineering with Yeoman as a Service

Posted by mcasperson on Jul 22, 2022 3:47 PM EDT
Github Wiki; By Matthew Casperson
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Organizations are under increasing pressure to deliver new digital experiences to their customers. To meet this demand, DevOps teams are adopting a number of practices such as Infrastructure as Code (IaC), microservices, GitOps, and Kubernetes, which all lend themselves to writing and maintaining more code than ever before.

DevOps teams are now expected to not only write application code (often using multiple languages), but also write code for infrastructure, networking, policy, and documentation.

This explosion of code provides many benefits in terms of repeatability, auditing, and reuse. But the flexibility of code and complex configuration files presents challenges for teams looking to enforce standards and promote consistent solutions.

The Octopus Workflow Builder provides a solution by exposing Yeoman generators (the term used by Yeoman for scaffolding templates) via a web based interface. This allows anyone with a web browser to generate template projects, offloads dependency management to a centrally managed backend service, and allows rich UIs to be build with no-code JSON documents.

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