9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: December 29th, 2024
The 220th installment of the 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup is here for the week ending on December 29th, 2024, keeping you updated with the most important things happening in the Linux world
As the holiday break continues, this week we only got a few distro releases including the alpha version of the up-and-coming Serpent OS independent distro, 4MLinux mini distro, Debian-based siduction Linux, and Alpine Linux-based postmarket OS for mobile devices.
In addition, we got a couple of major open-source software releases, namely Amarok 3.2 and Mixxx 2.5. Below, you can check out this week’s hottest news and access all the distro and package downloads released this past week in the 9to5Linux weekly roundup for December 29th, 2024. Full Story |
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