Solus 4.7 Released with Linux 6.12 LTS, GNOME 47, KDE Plasma 6.2, and Xfce 4.20
The development team behind the Solus distribution announced today the release and general availability of Solus 4.7 as the latest ISO snapshot of this independent rolling-release distro featuring Budgie, GNOME, KDE Plasma, and Xfce editions.
Coming more than three months after Solus 4.6 and powered by the Linux 6.12 LTS kernel and Mesa 24.3 graphics stacks, the Solus 4.7 release is dubbed “Endurance” and ships with the latest Budgie 10.9.2, GNOME 47.3, KDE Plasma 6.2.5, and Xfce 4.20 desktop environments. Full Story |
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