9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: January 26th, 2025
The 224th installment of the 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup is here for the week ending on January 26th, 2025, keeping you updated with the most important things happening in the Linux world.
This week brought us a major Wine release for those of you wanting to install Windows apps on Linux, a new GNU Linux-libre kernel for those of you who don’t like proprietary code, several new updates for fans of the GNOME desktop environment, and a new major release of the Solus distribution.
On top of that, there were new VirtualBox, fwupd, and Shotcut releases. Below, you can check out this week’s hottest news and access all the distro and package downloads released this past week in the 9to5Linux weekly roundup for January 26th, 2025. Full Story |
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