Open Letter to DELL

Posted by NoDough on May 3, 2007 12:46 PM EDT
LXer; By Lane Beneke (aka NoDough)
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LXer Feature: 03-May-2007

When the timing is right, things just naturally seem to fall into place and work for good.

Open Letter to DELL

I can't remember who it was that said, "The secret to comedy is good.... ti----m----ING."

Actually, that's the secret to a whole lot more than comedy. In the 90s, Novell tried to replace their Netware operating system with a UNIX based system. Great idea, bad timing. Shortly thereafter, you (DELL) attempted to sell computers preloaded with Linux. Great idea, bad timing.

When the timing is right, things just naturally seem to fall into place and work for good.

How ironic is it, then, that you will be offering pre-installed Linux again, but this time around your release, prompted by IdeaStorm, will coincide with the first running of the Indianapolis 500 to feature the Linux Penguin on one of the entries?

There is a way to maximize the effect of this coincidence. You can seize upon the opportunity to thrust Linux into the world limelight, boosting your own efforts in the process.

The method I’m thinking of is to help the guys at gain primary sponsorship of the Indy500 entry piloted by Stephan Gregoire. This will serve to ‘mainstream’ Linux in the public’s perception, which should be a boost to your sales.

Would you like to further boost the effort? How about helping the Tux500 crew with sponsorship and adding your own sponsorship? Imagine Linux and DELL flying down the speedway together at over 200mph in front of millions of viewers worldwide.

I am not in marketing, but it seems like a no-lose proposition to me.

Thank you for doing what none of the other top-tier computer manufacturers would. Thank you for recognizing the inherent quality of open-source and making a commitment to it. The FOSS community is grateful.

I hope that I am not being presumptuous in asking you to take that commitment to the next level. Nonetheless, I am asking.

Thanks and best regards,
Lane Beneke (aka NoDough)

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Tux500 and Dell Aladdin_Sane 34 6,503 May 7, 2007 1:41 AM

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