Why the Unbundling Windows Sceptics are Wrong

Posted by conz on Oct 8, 2007 10:23 AM EDT
Cybersource; By Con Zymaris
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The following are the key arguments they introduce against the unbundling of Microsoft Windows from consumer PCs, along with an explanation as to why these arguments from the 'unbundling sceptics' are invalid:

If nothing else seems to convince you that the personal computer market needs a competition boost, then all you need to consider is that one company, Microsoft, has had a 90-95% market share position for perhaps 20 years. What other large, hugely lucrative and business-critical markets do you know where one incumbent has that size of market share for that length of time? It is the surest indication that the free market has been waylaid and needs assistance. It's time to set the wheels in motion to stop this egregious aberration.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
Coercion Bob_Robertson 59 2,056 Oct 19, 2007 3:38 PM
Good idea. Good arguments. Wrong solution. Sander_Marechal 15 1,630 Oct 9, 2007 1:44 PM

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