Linux Events: Beginning iPhone Bootcamp

Name Value
Event Title Beginning iPhone Bootcamp
Brief event description 7-day intensive iPhone training at the Big Nerd Ranch retreat outside Atlanta, GA
Start Date July 18, 2009
End Date July 24, 2009
Full Event Description Beginning iPhone Bootcamp

The first two days of the course are devoted to learning Objective-C with Mark Fenoglio, followed by our five-day iPhone Bootcamp with Joe Conway. In 7 challenging days, these courses will take you from complete novice to being an iPhone developer.

If you want to write applications that run on the iPhone, you should attend the iPhone Bootcamp. After a brief introduction to the Objective-C language and the Foundation framework, we delve into the toolchain and the classes that make up the iPhone UI framework. We deal with drawing using Core Graphics, Core Animation, and OpenGL. We also discuss issues in the multi-touch event handling.

We can teach this course at your company site. We have taught it for Cisco, AT+T, SAS, and other smaller companies.

Upon completion of Beginning iPhone Bootcamp, the student will:

* Objective-C
* Understand classes, objects, and methods
* Write a first program in Objective-C
* Use basic control constructs for looping, decision-making, etc.
* Define classes and write instance and class methods
* Be able to use inheritance
* Take advantage of polymorphism and dynamic typing
* Work with the preprocessor
* Utilize underlying C features
* Use the basic Foundation classes (numbers, arrays, dictionaries, sets, etc.)
* Retain and release objects correctly to prevent memory leaks
* Be fluent in Objective-C
* iPhone
* Be able to set up elegant user interfaces easily
* Be able to set up text input fields on the iPhone and move the virtual keyboard onto the screen
* Be able to create iPhone applications that use Core Location (GPS, Cell Tower Triangulation, Wifi Access Point Location) to pinpoint a user's location
* Be able to localize applications for international use
* Be able to swap out different interfaces (windows) with animation
* Be able to display data in tables
* Be able to display HTML either from a file or directly from the web
* Be able to create applications that can record audio and play short sounds and full audio files
* Be able to store data as files or SQLite databases
* Be able to handle warnings from the phone so applications don't get shut down
* Be able to draw and animate with OpenGL
* Be able to handle touch and complex multi-touch sequences
* Be able to draw with Core Graphics
* Be able to animate user interfaces with Core Animation
* Be able to create an application that can access the user's photos or use the camera to take new photos for use within the application
* Be able to use the accelerometer to detect changes in the device's orientation
* Be able to pull data from a web service for use in an application
* Be able to create applications that access and modify the user's Address Book through a standard or customized interface
* Be able to maintain a preference file for an application
* Be able to set up remote client/server functionality for the iPhone
* Be able to use Instruments to profile an application

Prior experience in C and Object-Oriented Programming is not necessary. Some experience in programming helpful but not required.

What's Included
Class price includes all class materials, a luxury room, three delicious meals a day, a stylish Big Nerd Ranch t-shirt, and ground transportation to and from the airport. Plan to arrive the afternoon or evening before your class begins and depart on the last day of your class after 4 PM.
Event URL Beginning iPhone Bootcamp
Event Type Workshop
Building/Venue The Big Nerd Ranch
Sponsor Big Nerd Ranch
Contact name Emily Herman
Contact E-Mail address
Contact Phone 404-527-6211
Contact Fax 202-478-2777
Address Atlanta, GA 30185
United States
