Linux Events: Django Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch

Name Value
Event Title Django Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch
Brief event description Our 5-day Django training course will teach you the techniques you need to effectively leverage the power of Django to solve real-world problems. Django is the most popular framework for creating dynamic, database-driven websites using the Python language.
Start Date September 14, 2009
End Date September 18, 2009
Full Event Description Our 5-day Django training course will teach you the techniques you need to effectively leverage the power of Django to solve real-world problems. Django is the most popular framework for creating dynamic, database-driven websites using the Python language.

Django Bootcamp is designed for:

* Developers who will be using Django to develop web aplications
* Engineers who are evaluating Django to determine whether it is an appropriate technology for their needs
* Web designers who need to develop new skills to utilize server-side technologies
* Programmers who are developing web services using Python and XML
* Developers who want to create applications for Google's AppEngine

Upon completion of Django Bootcamp, the student will:

* Install Django and all its components, including a database management system
* Deploy a Django application using mod_python and Apache, or FastCGI and Apache
* Write applications that use PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite databases
* Write applications with robust user authentication and session data
* Use the Django newforms library for easy form processing and data validation
* Use Django's powerful template system effectively
* Take advantage of Django's admin system for easy site and data maintenance
* Understand how to implement AJAX solutions using Django
* Create web services using Django
* Understand the Django capabilities of the Google AppEngine


Students should know a programming language (but not necessarily Python) and have a basic understanding of object-oriented programming. They should also have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

If you are nervous that you might not be prepared for class, read ""Head First HTML" by Freeman and Freeman and "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz.

What's Included
Class price includes all class materials, a luxury room, three delicious meals a day, a stylish Big Nerd Ranch t-shirt, and ground transportation to and from the airport. Plan to arrive the afternoon or evening before your class begins and depart on the last day of your class after 4 PM.
Event URL Django Bootcamp
Event Type Workshop
Building/Venue The Big Nerd Ranch
Sponsor Big Nerd Ranch
Contact name Emily Herman
Contact E-Mail address
Contact Phone 404-478-9005
Contact Fax 202-478-2777
Address Atlanta, GA 30185
United States
