Stupid article

Story: How Microsoft Can Embrace LinuxTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Jul 25, 2004
7:30 AM EDT
This article is stupid on so many levels I just had to give it the old red X. It doesn't make any sense on either end of the stick.

First of all, Microsoft already owns the operating system that MS Office currently runs on. Rather than spend all of that cash and energy porting Office to Linux and then selling it for less than they already are they could just give away the OS that it currently runs on and sell Office for less to the user groups in question. They would not "lose" money by giving away the OS. Not only do they not have to spend any extra money and effort in the porting of the software but they keep the "lock-in" alive. This is good for a monopoly.

As far as users who are already using Linux to save on costs (this is not the reason everyone uses Linux, including me) they already have Why would they waste their money on MS Office?

Now I'm not saying it's not a wise decision for Microsoft to port their cash cow (Office) to Linux for other reasons. If the dam does break and people start going with Linux over Windows for the many good reasons to do so, then they could still have a business selling Office for Linux to those who can't quite kick the "MS Office" habit like they did the "MS Windows" habit.

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