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Story: A developer's guide to evaluating Eclipse vs. NetbeansTotal Replies: 0
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Sep 11, 2004
9:09 AM EDT
IBM released three similar articles at once, comparing eclipse with Netbeans, IDEA, and JBuilder. In my opinion, it is hard to compare Eclipse with IDEA and for web development, Netbeans. Netbeans is open source and IDEA is just brilliant, so I wouldn't want to discredit either of them. Eclipse does have one powerful advantage, that Erich Gamma is the brain behind the user interface and that is a powerful combination when paired up with an open source platform. That man knows user interface design like no other.

But please, please! Stop mindlessly using JBuilderX! Most college classes give you JBuilder just like they did CodeWarrior back in the day. It SUCKS! If you don't know what the word "refactoring" means, please learn it today, and start using Eclipse (or IDEA). Netbeans will be there soon when the refactoring work is complete, but for now, beg for something better. Your future depends on it!

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