It is hard to gain "market share" just by saying 'Me Too!'

Story: Rumors Aside, Browser Is a Logical Step for GoogleTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Sep 24, 2004
5:22 AM EDT
The article begins by citing the New York Post, which is a publication I find it impossible to give credence. Just pick up a copy or read an older issue and it should be obvious that this publication is hindered neither by fact nor by logic.

Next only one 'business analyst' is cited to support the arguement, however, these types tend to be pretty unimaginative. Really new lines of business are mostly recognized by hindsight alone not by their analytical powerous.

For me this is just too much like a recent announcement by Yahoo entering the on-line music business. At best, they are they doing nothing other than trying to take a slice of what is now an already established line of business. They offer nothing new, as there would really be nothing new if Google's only intent were to introduce another branded browser.

As a final note, should my skepticism prove to be unwarranted and indeed a Google browser appears differing with little more than name and a few 'features': sell your Google stock now because it is a company has lost its spark of originality and is in decline!

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