This is hype!

Story: Apache chokes on open-source philosophyTotal Replies: 4
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Dec 01, 2004
3:14 PM EDT
I cannot be bothered to even complete reading more than a few paragraphs.

Where is it written that all positions dealing with free/open software must be unpaid.

Where is Linus at this time? What is it called: OSDL? If I am not mistaken, they have a paid director (whatever the title) and others that work on code, testing, etc.

Hot title signifying very little. How about something new, exciting like this is the new (insert name here) Linux killer!!!!

Dec 01, 2004
3:17 PM EDT
But in a way.. I wish it were true. Time for a good apache alternative (apache is sorta icky).

Dec 01, 2004
6:38 PM EDT
No, it's not hype. I'm not sure *what* it is. It's weird, though. Like some sort of time capsule from 1997. Perhaps the journalist has been in a time capsule since 1997? ;-)

Dec 02, 2004
4:02 AM EDT
This is bogus propoganda. Eclipse and OSDL both have paid directors. It is fullish to think that this has anything to do with whether or not the software is open-source. I met Brian at the JavaOne conference and he is extremely intelligent as well as dedicated to the open source movement. I despise the fact that this article even exists on the web. Ban this news magazine for a while just for posting this crap!

Dec 02, 2004
3:09 PM EDT
I wonder if I can suggest that a few people just drop a note to the online journal to encourage them to put more effort in their publication. Please be polite.

Here is what I am sending:

(subject) Hysterical article lacking factual knowledge ...

"Apache chokes on open-source philosophy"

This article appeared on your site with a 01 Dec. dateline. The tone and content of the article reminds me of early software product reviews in Linux Magazine (U.S.) where the reviewers complained about the price of the "free" software. That is, they lacked basic knowledge of the meaning of free software, i.e. "free" does not imply no cost.

Nowhere is it a given that free software groups are to be solely unpaid for all their contributions. A paid director for the Apache Foundation should be looked upon as a maturation of that organization not their imminent demise of all their idealism.

Before these authors again spread such disinformation so widely I suggest they do some research to get a fuller understanding what really free and open source software means. Moreover, they should learn that these individuals that have contributed so greatly to this movement did not necessarily take a vow of permanent poverty, no matter how romantic a light these authors may view it.

Next time, please get writers that have some real knowledge of the topics they pontificate.

Thank you

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