Oh, I'm going to lie awake nights worrying about this exploit...

Story: Vulnerability found in open-source audio playerTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jan 12, 2005
10:18 AM EDT
"Those actions could include taking control of a user's applications to send e-mail--perhaps aiding in identity theft or the spread of viruses--or alter files. However, Kristensen said the vulnerability may be difficult to exploit."

No S--t Sherlock. I'm so worried about this (sarcasm, in case you can't spot it) -- this doesn't compare with most Windows exploits at all, since the user would have to get an mpg in an email on Linux, then click to play it with mpg123 (still a distinct possibility) -- and of course the buffer-over-run will have to have been targeted at the particular build or platform the user was using.

All of the above, very remote compared to just about any windows exploit, some of which happen when a web page appears on a clicked-upon email.

This type of reporting will help C-Net appear more "balanced", though.

Nice --FeriCyde


Jan 12, 2005
10:57 AM EDT
Actually I just stopped to think of how many desktop linux installs I have done where mpg123 was installed by default?

Yea It was always an option but I can't reacall any with default. Suse? nope Mandrake? nope Red Hat 9? don't think so, Knoppix? hmm don't think so either.

since mpg123 is a commandline program that doesn't get used but by command line gods Ican't see this affecting but one or two users If.

Jan 13, 2005
12:08 AM EDT
Ayup. Everyone I know uses either MPlayer or one of the half-dozen other multimedia players; maybe AlpsaPlayer or XMMS or Noatun.

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