Everything they need?

Story: Novell Ships Richest Linux Distribution Ever to the MarketTotal Replies: 5
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Apr 20, 2005
9:08 AM EDT
Well, except for the City of Munich, who is going with a customized Debian distribution... HAHAHAHA!

Apr 20, 2005
10:15 AM EDT
City of Munich switched away from SUSE because it is now an American company (Novell). AFAIK.

Apr 20, 2005
11:59 AM EDT
Yes...we all live in america...america is wunderbar

Apr 20, 2005
4:52 PM EDT
If SuSE is now an American company matters then why is Red Hat signing contracts in Europe like its going out of style? Their American, by your logic businesses in Europe would no less do business with Red Hat than SuSE as well. What it comes down to is this, Loyalty is dead. Period. Deals are made in the boardrooms and in meetings, the sales pitch is everything. Anyone who tells you different has never sold anything. wunderbar? wunderbar...:)

Apr 21, 2005
2:09 AM EDT
sharkscott: you're right, and even the American Suse signs more contracts here in Europe than ever (I like to work on the LXer migration DB, that's why I know). The Munich move has nothing to do with American or not, in my opinion.

I think Munich's move is simple, and what all governments do: they make a (global) tender with specifications, and choose the cheapest (and best) solution. It doesn't bother them if it's American or Chinese, it just has to comply to their specs (so should be open-source and prevent from vendor-lockin), and be cheap.

This is going to happen many times more in the future in countries as Peru, Brazil etc. who declared they want to use more open-source, and if MS bids them the cheapest open-source solution, and grant they don't become vender-locked in, and comply to the specs required by the governments, they could win the contracts as well, since the governments aren't discriminating any company, even not American company's called MS.

Apr 21, 2005
3:19 PM EDT
SuSE costs money.. because YAST was not GPL until very recently.

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