GPL all the way?

Story: Mandriva Linux: The next generation Distro?Total Replies: 4
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Jun 05, 2005
10:10 AM EDT
"As all other linux distributions, Mandriva LE2005 is distributed under the GPL" I assume this is not correct? As the distributions sometimes come bundled with proprietary software, it seems strange to put a GPL tag on the entire distro?

Jun 05, 2005
10:57 AM EDT
You are correct. What makes Mandriva (gaaaa hate the name kill it die die die) so desktop-user friendly is it comes with proprietary video and sound drivers, and browser plugins, so everything "just works." And not all F/OSS software is GPL, there are lots of different licenses.

Jun 05, 2005
11:47 AM EDT
Actually guys, you're wrong here. I'm not that much of a Mandriva fan, but i know for a fact that Limited Edition (former community edition) is exclusively free software with no proprietary components thrown in at all. I just happen to run that thing on my comp right now (were trying it out and screwed something up with my resident Slackware install:) and on installation it says it's only free software even mentioning that for drivers such as for NVIDIA and ATI graphic cards you'll need the full edition you have to pay for.

But, LE in itself is clean cut Free Software distro.

Thanks Daniel

Jun 05, 2005
11:30 PM EDT
While this is true of the download version, quote from :

* * * Mandriva Club members' benefits Mandriva Club is the users' club that entitles subscribers to privileged as well as discounted access to Mandriva's products. Limited Edition 2005, including proprietary drivers and commercial applications, is available right now to Mandriva Club menbers through Bittorent and HTTP download. * * *

As for the name, I agree. Create a perfectly good name, market it, get everyone to know it... and make a strange hybrid from a corporate merger.

Jun 06, 2005
6:27 AM EDT
Does that mean that Mandriva's download edition does not come with apache, postgresql, mysql, or firefox?

Not one of them is GPL'd.

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