Nuts, all they ever needed to do was drop the price

Story: Apple's Intel Desktop Move Threatens Linux Desktop, LonghornTotal Replies: 2
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Jun 07, 2005
1:39 PM EDT
If Apple shipped a cool-looking fully-operational desktop machine for AUD$500 plus screen (call it USD$300), Microsoft would be history in little more than two years and Linux would be relegated to servers.

However... Apple have always been paranoid about keeping high margins, extracting every last dollar from each machine, so they won't do it. Not even deriving roughly half of their income from relatively cheap iPods and the like rang any bells from them. Helloooooo? The Mac Mini was a good start, if they'd followed through on that they'd be laughing.

And while it really doesn't matter what CPU they run it on, AMD would be a better deal for them than Intel. Riding Intel's coat-tails signals that Apple don't have what it takes to ride alone.

Jun 08, 2005
1:38 AM EDT
Linux regulated to servers? Not in my house. People need to know that Apple is in fact worse then Microsoft in some regards. Proprietary software on top of proprietary hardware. Plus, the Mac people seem to be much more willing to give up their hard earned money in the quest for any thing that starts with "i".

Apple may be "cool", but I jumped off the "cool" things train a long time ago.

Jun 08, 2005
9:09 AM EDT
Right on Pat. There is something more to Free Software than low pricing AnonymousCoward. The license and the philosophy behind it for example. Apple delivers non of them, so no Apple.

I thought of getting an Apple machine for the difference in architecture (been using x86 so long, I can't remember what my Motorola 68000 Amiga felt like), but no longer. Apple x86 equals hype on closed down, DRM-ed generic Intel kit.

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