I saw that on Fox

Story: Foxnews: You may have lost Linux users as an audienceTotal Replies: 7
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Sep 30, 2005
4:23 PM EDT
and it made my blood boil. In fairness, it was labeled an opinion piece. Perhaps, in the interest of being "fair and balanced" they would publish an opposing view, as well as some *facts*.

Sep 30, 2005
4:55 PM EDT
FOX fair and Balenced? Yeah, only if you are a Fundamentalist Conservative. There are very few real news organizations around, and none are in the U.S. I quit watching T.V. because I HAVE A BRAIN! Oh, and by the way, has anyone noticed that when the "right" is in power that dissent becomes un-american? Only the "right" knows best, right?

Sep 30, 2005
5:19 PM EDT
I suspect they're beginning to feel some heat on the issue:


It's a start...

Sep 30, 2005
5:28 PM EDT
Why worry about Fox? It is owned by the absolutely ruthless Rupert Murdoch who micromanages news coverage according to News Limited's (his main operation) financial interests. If you think you can shame him into fair coverage you are sadly mistaken. You're wasting your energy. Believe me I have seen it all before: He started out in Adelaide, South Australia (where I did my Phd) many years ago. There his first newspaper (the News) was exactly like Fox News now. Nothing has or will change until he is 6' under.

Sep 30, 2005
5:58 PM EDT
I thought Mr. Prendergast rather eloquently summed up the potential of a misunderstood technology (like Open Document format) in a June 26 article on the Fox news site:

"In fact, history has shown that new technology often causes initial backlashes. But if scientists, developers and individual consumers who will be using the technology work together to determine the right best practices for its ultimate use, untold and unknown benefits and improvements will be found."

Of course, he was talking about Radio Frequency Identification technology, and not supporting Open Document formats. Funny, Microsoft wasn't mentioned in his credentials after that story either, even though it probably should have been.... http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2004/apr04/04-05Mic...

Sep 30, 2005
6:23 PM EDT
This chap did a nice bit of work on Pendergrast (sic). Seems he got dead people to support Microsoft too.



Oct 01, 2005
1:12 AM EDT
sharkscott -


I guess that's why they've thrown Michael Moore in jail, right?


Oct 01, 2005
5:41 AM EDT
It's interesting that in the article no positive reasons for why the decision was made are included. Perhaps because if they were all the ranting against would be seen as irrelevant.

He could of course have suggest another way to achieve the goals of adopting the format (information access unencumbered by one source only tools and preserving access into the future amongst them) by suggesting Microsoft could totally open their format for patent and copyright free use by all who want to adopt it.

Who would object to a truly open MS Office format? (All of the earlier versions too?)

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