Open Source one liners

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 8
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Oct 28, 2005
6:22 PM EDT
I was listening to OSCON 2005 over at ITConversations and one of the panelists had a great one liner

anyone that is planning to install Windows Server should be able to answer the question "what is it you know about servers that Amazon, Google and Yahoo don't?"

We don't always have the time to explaining the merits of FOSS so a zinger like this is a god send.

What else can we think of?


Oct 28, 2005
7:35 PM EDT
That's about the best soundbyte I've heard in years. We should send this Bill Clinton.

Oct 29, 2005
3:58 AM EDT
bstadil --

But, but...

We need industrial strength servers...

... the kind that keeps our IT staff productively employed and our in-house users waiting.

How else can we justify our budget increases?

Oct 29, 2005
9:42 AM EDT
Dino, you've hit a very interesting point that a lot of people don't understand: Success, measured in bureaucratic terms.

In a bureaucracy, there are only two measures of success: Larger staff; Bigger budget.

A budget cut, even if it is for all the right reasons (better customer service, greater efficiency, etc) is considered a failure because all that work has not been *rewarded*.

If, instead, inefficiencies cause backlogs, more people are hired to deal with unhappy customers, more costly equipment must be purchased to do the same work that was done before, these are rewarded with larger staffs and bigger budgets.

All companies have to deal with bureaucratic management problems, but the smaller the organization is the more it can be judged by "profit and loss" which is the entreprenurial measure of success. It rewards the very efficiencies that are punished in a bureaucracy. This is why large companies often "reorganize" with smaller divisions.

Lots of this sort of thing can be found on

The system runs on Linux, BTW, and when they migrated from Windows the responsiveness and reliability of the system was improved to an astounding degree. It was a "migration" that was lots of fun to watch and very satisfying to the systems folks involved.

Oct 30, 2005
11:32 AM EDT
Migration is not an option if you are planning a brand new install. Setting up a server and running it are not stand alone subjects. One should consider all aspects of server installation and maintenance before making a decision.

Oct 30, 2005
4:30 PM EDT
Kandalf - your question has more than a bit of ambiguity. What's the point you are contesting?

Nov 08, 2005
12:36 PM EDT
Installing and running a server requires more then picking an os. You need staff. Besides for what reason are you setting up an server?

You may run a content management software requires Windows Applications. So incompatibility drives you back to Windows box. This is what I experienced in recent years with customers.

A hard earned lesson:

Do not migrate to linux just it is cool to have one. Just pick the right one for you.

This is what I wanted to say. I agree it was not clear. Sorry folks.

Feb 05, 2006
3:43 AM EDT
Think about it.... Ever met a real technologist that didn't run Linux ? We have a saying "If you where gonna be'd already be bad" Bad as in investing the time to know what you need to know....

The only shops that can compete on their own income (not using taxpayer's money) are the ones that pay nothing for their operating systems and apps and have real admins...not cookie cutter stamped out plastic wanna bee boyz

Went to an in residense Microsoft MCSE school for 9 months 3days a week 5 hours a day....40 students per class...dozens of classes....every single one of the graduating class is either working with linux now...or not even in the IT field.. You figure it out....

Feb 10, 2006
10:34 PM EDT
"I think I like this GNU world" me Matthew

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