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Story: Micro Center Computer Stores Across Nation Devote Floor Space, Staff to Desktop LinuxTotal Replies: 7
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Nov 08, 2005
5:28 AM EDT

The GNU/Linux adoption drive of 2005 is finally starting from a retail perspective.

Rock and Roll...

Nov 08, 2005
5:53 AM EDT
People attack Linspire but you know what they're actually making the pre-installed linux computer a reality. Kudos to them!

Nov 08, 2005
6:26 AM EDT
yea i am thinking about making the trek to cowtown just to get one.

I don't even like linspire or any distro for that matter... Maybe I'll give it as xmas present...


Nov 08, 2005
6:35 AM EDT
I bought one of their machines. Sempron 2200 and it came with a biostar motherboard. I quickly changed distros after messing with Linspire long enough not to like the eye candy. Linspire 5 isn't bad though, it's very fast.

I saw people around the machines looking at them. So, they had interest.

The price brought people over. The case is attractive.

But, what really got me was this young lady buying a barebones computer. She had all the hardware in her shopping basket and was looking at software. Her husband built computers for a school and they were discussing whether or not to buy SUSE 10 or XP.

The lady decided on her own to go with SUSE 10. She said "$59 for all this or $500 for less."

My wife came along and I introdued them. My wife was really cool. She said that she used XP at work because she had to. But she uses SUSE 10 at home and it's great.


Nov 08, 2005
7:05 AM EDT
Let's just hope this starts it without a suit from MS/ wouldn't be unheard of. Oh, grounds for the suit? They'll think of something.


Nov 08, 2005
9:11 AM EDT
MS might pull their product's from Micro Center. But, I don't think the owners are Koreans. Maybe Candi Rice might pay them a visit and see if there's a nuclear threat. Or Bush might make a pilgrimage to Brazil and stress the importance of Windows.


Nov 08, 2005
3:32 PM EDT
I am not a fan of Linspire, but I agree it's great that they're making inroads!

Nov 08, 2005
3:43 PM EDT
"Bush might make a pilgrimage to Brazil and stress the importance of Windows."

I think he just tried that... no one appeared to be listening to him... about that or anything else :)

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