Perth Linux User Group is *not* mostly professionals

Story: Do LUGs still matter?Total Replies: 1
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Dec 25, 2005
4:25 PM EDT
I'm guessing about 1/4 to 1/3 of the active membership of PLUG are IT "professionals" of some kind, including wage slaves and students who consult on the side.

We also have a handful of people who contribute extensively to FOSS projects (hi, Bernard!), although we don't really compete with the likes of CLUG (Canberra -- hi, both Andrews!). The rest of our merry band are complete IT amateurs, ranging from Joe Random to the proprietors of businesses in the hundred-employee range. Don't know if that's typical worldwide, or not.

Dec 25, 2005
6:10 PM EDT
AC: It's typical from my experience except for LUGs at military installations, behind firewalls at IBM, etc. and at universities.

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