Open Source "PayForWare" is good

Story: RaptorHead open source CD for WindowsTotal Replies: 3
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Dec 27, 2005
12:54 PM EDT
This is good to hear. We've had "The Open CD" for some time now. This sounds like "The Open CD" but with exposure in retail outlets (which TOCD does not see) and a credibility that comes from plunking down money for it (which the TOCD doesn't have).

It appeals to a different kind of end user... though nothing prevents those RaptorHead users from becoming TOCD users, and then sliding over to being Linux users if and when they become comfortable enough.

As much as I love Unix/Linux, and have (sadly and unfortunately) come to despise Windows' ubiquity on the desktop, I have to say that OSS on Windows is the cutting edge of Open Source. It's where the real gains for OSS are going to happen.


Dec 27, 2005
4:01 PM EDT
People stupid enough to pay for gratis software (Free or not) which isn't repackaged to really have added value over the gratis version, are too stupid to realize they are being ripped off. It's the kind that accepts the mediocre-ware dominance of MS on the desktop.

FOSS will not gain form these people as they are not smart enough to see the deeper beauty of FOSS. They will only use what the mainstream prescribes them to use, irrespective of philosophy or ideals. They will never be truly supportive of FOSS.

They are consumers without free will. The instance they perceive another goody to be "a must have" they'll drop FOSS like a hot potatoe. It's a folly to think they'll contribute to a potential larger and (more important) loyal userbase.

Dec 27, 2005
5:25 PM EDT
> People stupid enough to pay for gratis software (Free or not) which isn't repackaged to really have added value over the gratis version, are too stupid to realize they are being ripped off.

Yes. They are so stupid that it just makes Me sick to think about it.

> It's the kind that accepts the mediocre-ware dominance of MS on the desktop.

Yes. Not only are they accepting of mediocre software... they are mediocre, themselves.

>FOSS will not gain form these people as they are not smart enough to see the deeper beauty of FOSS. They will only use what the mainstream prescribes them to use, irrespective of philosophy or ideals. They will never be truly supportive of FOSS.

I hear you, Brother. I mean, they could decide to continue using some non-free software. Or they could decide that they prefer what they were using before instead of what We offer. They might not join Our fight for Free Software, and We would have wasted Our valuable time and resources... on nothing.

> They are consumers without free will. The instance they perceive another goody to be "a must have" they'll drop FOSS like a hot potatoe. It's a folly to think they'll contribute to a potential larger and (more important) loyal userbase.

I was wrong. How can I put it more plainly? I repent. I do, indeed, repent. And I will not stray down the road of the Unclean again. I have dirtied my mind and I am ashamed.

For I know now that there is but one true way. The way of Freedom... of Free Software... of Linux... of God.

Having learned my lesson, I know also that it is wrong to use software masquerading as "Free" which is really just "Open Source".

I am reborn.

Thank you, r_a_trip, for restoring my sight, that I can see Him again.

And as we find more who see Him, and not The Great Deceiver, what a glorious world it will be for us all!

Jan 05, 2006
10:09 AM EDT
sbergman27, I couldnt have said it any better myself.

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